Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Monday 29 July 2013

Read: Genesis 39:20b–23; Acts 16:25–34

There are 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, and 52 weeks in a year. That's 8,736 hours in a year. Assuming you sleep around 8 hours a day, that's still 5,824 hours left for activity. Let's give another 8 hours to school, home management or work and we're still left with 2,912 hours left. Let's set aside half of that for meals, family, and friends, and we're still left with 1,456 hours (that's about 4 hours a day). Yet, funnily enough, we still find ourselves saying, "I just don't have the time, I'm too busy!" The problem is not that we are too busy, but rather, our priorities are not what they should be.

We are given two great illustrations of this principle in the lives of Joseph, Paul and Silas. Despite their respective imprisonments, despite the situations in which they found themselves, their priority and focus remained unchanged. For Joseph, he continued to remain faithful in character and practice despite the charges against his character, resulting in his charge over the prison inmates. In the midst of an opportunity to escape from their imprisonment, Paul and Silas remained in chains so that they might proclaim the gospel to the jailer.

Joseph, Paul, and Silas made use of their time and talents for the purposes of God. Joseph, Paul, and Silas were no different to you and I, offering nothing less than what God had given them. Paul and Silas, however, challenge us in another way. What is more important than the salvation of the souls around us, no matter our place and circumstance. Likewise, we are called to make disciples as we travel along the path of life (Matthew 28:19).

How will you invest your time and your talents this week? Will you serve willingly in the places God takes you? Will you dare to speak words of life to the people you encounter this week? Sit down and consider how much time you really have to give and invest in God's Kingdom and His purposes.

Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.





 Praise God for the life He has given you and the time that you have been blessed with. Pray that God would grow in your heart and the hearts of all in the congregation a desire to spend your whole life for His Kingdom. Pray that He would give you wisdom as you seek to set Godly priorities for your time.

 Continue to pray for the Cobby family as they grieve the loss of their son Matt. Pray that God would give them comfort and peace in Himself during this time of grief. Pray that the gospel message proclaimed at his funeral would bear much fruit in the lives of those who attended.

My Additional Prayer Points.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Sit down and do a rough schedule of how you use your time each week. How much of that time is at church? How much time is given to Kingdom priorities? How much of your time can include or overlap with Kingdom opportunities?
2. What are some things that either require greater increase in your time comment for Kingdom opportunities? What are some things that you might sacrifice so that you can engage more with Kingdom opportunities?

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