Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
All week we’ve been looking at the various interpretations of the end times. It’s clear that there are various schools of thought that sit opposed to each other. Is there a way forward? Can we really make any headway in the debate and discussion about eschatology?
It’s great that no matter what side we belong to we all agree on some fundamentals. We all believe that people are saved by repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Every school of thought in the eschatological continuum, us reaching out and seeking to grow the Kingdom by preaching the Gospel.
Added to this, all the schools of thought believe that satan will be (or has been) bound up, will be released for a short while and will then be totally and utterly defeated, being cast for all eternity into the fiery lake of sulphur. This defeat will be at Christ’s final coming. Evil and wickedness will be brought to a total end.
Beyond this, Christ’s Eternal Kingdom will be consummated and believers will live together in a heavenly paradise where there is no death, no dying, mourning and crying or pain for the old order of things will have passed away. In this kingdom there will be no cowards, no unbelievers, no vile persons, murderers, sexually immoral people or magicians or witches or idolaters. Christ will be at the centre of this new Kingdom and will rule perfectly for all eternity.
We read in 1 Thessalonians 4:18 ‘Therefore encourage each other with these words’. What a great encouragement to know that in this vile and wicked world, Christ will return and will bring light and hope and judgement. What a blessing and encouragement to know that evil will not prevail and all wickedness will be finally and completely dealt with. What an encouragement to know that our lives here and now are not the sum total of our existence and that when Jesus returns we will be together with Him and all other believers for eternity. Be encouraged! Christ is coming back.
Use the space provided to add your own prayer points.
¥ Praise God that He is sovereign and has His hand upon all things. Praise God that not even a sparrow falls to the ground apart from His will. Praise God that He knows every hair on your head and is looking after you and working all things for the good of those who love Him.
¥ Praise God for the opportunity to gather together around the throne of God because of the work of Christ on your behalf. Praise God that for your church . Ask God to make your church a powerful witness in your local community.
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