Can you think of any advantages of learning Greek and Hebrew.
Read Numbers 10:1-2; 2 Chronicles 5:12
Most English Bibles do not distinguish between the various types of trumpets as does the Hebrew language and Bible. Maybe we should all learn Hebrew!
The Hatzotzerah was a long straight metal trumpet flared out at the ends, much like the trumpets we picture welcoming in a Victorian king or queen, or those used to signal the start of a jousting match. Numbers 10: 1-2 shows that they are to be made of hammered silver and 10:10 shows they were sounded as a memorial to the Lord over the sacrifices offered. They were also blown to mark the start of every Sabbath.
The shofar or ram’s horn is more in line with what most people think of when they hear the word ‘trumpet’ in the Bible. It was a trumpet fashioned from a curved ram’s horn. The Israelites rejected a cow’s horn because the cow reminded them of the people’s idolatry at Sinai as Moses was receiving the Law. The ram was representative and a reminder of Isaacs deliverance when God provided a ram for Abraham in place of his son.
Even though Scripture does not designate which type of horn is to be used in the Feast of Trumpets tradition and Rabbinic practice all unite to declare that it was specifically the shofar that was used as opposed to the long straight metallic trumpet.
Again, Scripture is silent on the type of trumpet blast that was to be sounded during the festival. After the destruction of the temple, the Rabbis argued about what type of blast should be given. After much debate and discussion they decided that the following pattern be used—a long blast followed by three short blasts followed by nine staccato blasts followed by one long blast.
Use today’s reading and notes to write down ideas for your prayers.
¥ Pray for the work through Student Life in Australia and Uni Impact in NZ. Ask God to raise up the personnel and resources that these groups need to continue ministering and reaching out to the students in their respective countries. Pray that God would bring many conversions.
¥ Pray that we would see many conversions in our own congregation and that we would each be mission minded throughout our week. Pray that we would have opportunities to share the love of Christ in word and deed as we travel into next Sonday’s gathering.
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