How does your life reflect the gospel? Get together with another believer today to spend time in confession and prayer.
Read 1 Peter 2:9-12; Galatians 5:16-26
Imagine that you and your family are building a house. You go to visit your potential builder at his office to discuss your plans, but you notice that the whole office building is run-down and falling apart. Paint is flaking off the walls, there is mould growing everywhere, there are holes in the walls and the ceiling is drooping. Do you think you would still contract this builder to build your brand new house? If he cannot even keep his own office building in order how can he build a house well?
Or consider that you go along to the hairdresser for a haircut. You are shocked to see your hairdresser is having the worst hair day ever! Their hair is super frizzy and sticking out left, right and centre. To top it off the cut is clearly lopsided and the colour doesn’t look quite right.
Are you going to be confident that this hairdresser can do a good job of your hair?
If we wouldn’t get that builder to build our house or that hairdresser to cut your hair how can we expect non-believers to believe a life changing message that doesn’t change our own lives? How often have you seen Christians portrayed as hypocrites in the media.
Have another look at 1 Peter 2:12. We are commanded to show Christ to those around us by our holy conduct. Paul talks about this conduct in Galatians 5. Notice the list of the fruit of the flesh compared with the fruits of the Spirit. This process of the Holy Spirit changing us to be more like Jesus is called Sanctification.
How are you living a life that reflects the good news of Jesus well? Spend some time with another believer today and confess your sins to each other. Spend some time praying for each other that God would continue to work in you to transform you to be more like Christ and to be a witness for Him in the world.
Use today’s reading and notes to write down ideas for your prayers.
¥ Pray that those in your church would continue to grow closer in their relationship with Jesus and as a result reflect His character more and more. Pray that as they seek to live holy lives that others would be drawn to Christ and seek answers about Him.
¥ Pray for the various cell groups that are meeting this week. Pray that the cell groups would seek to love and encourage each other in holiness and help each other to share their faith well.
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