Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Monday October 8, 2012

Try to find out what your name means. Can you see why God allowed that name to be given to you?


Read Leviticus 23:9-16; Exodus 34:22


Names are vitally important in the Hebrew mindset.  They reflect something significant about the thing that bears the name, be it something historical, or something about the character, or even an event associated with that particular person or thing bearing the name.
The Feast of Weeks was the most common name because it was 7 weeks after the first fruits were counted off until this feast was to be celebrated.


In Numbers 28:26 it is called the Day of First fruits since it was the day on which the first fruit offerings of the summer wheat crop were brought to the temple.  It marked the beginning of the summer wheat crop, just as the earlier first fruits feast marked the beginning of the Spring barley harvest.


In Exodus 23:16 it’s called the Feast of Harvest because it was the official beginning of the summer harvest season. In other places and sources it’s often called the Conclusion, showing us that it was the conclusion of the PassOver season and of the 7 week spring harvest.


In Greek, it was called Pentecost (meaning 50) and draws us to Acts 2 which we’ll talk about later on.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.









Pray for the Committee of Management, especially that they might be wise in the stewardship of funds, ensuring that every

¥ dollar spent is maximised in God’s economy and Kingdom. Pray that each member would be wise and discerning in their role on that Committee.

¥ Pray for our Session. Ask God to grant our leaders deep wisdom and insight into the Word. Pray that they would apply the Word to their own lives and then to us as the Body of Christ. Pray that we would be obedient to them.


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