Friday, 12 October 2012

Friday October 12, 2012

What do you dream about in terms of God’s Kingdom?


Read Acts 2:32-47


Every preacher and evangelist dreams of preaching a sermon to a large crowd and seeing thousands come to Christ in repentance and faith as Peter did that day in fulfilment of Pentecost. How amazing it would have been to hear Peter and the others speak in different tongues outside the Temple in that plaza. How awesome it would have been to hear the crowd quieten down to complete silence and to listen to Peter speak about King David and the other prophets that looked forward to the fulfilment that was now in full swing. How awesome to see the Spirit of God lead 3,000 people into the Lord’s Kingdom. Imagine 3,000 people jostling to the baptismal pools, being committed to the Lord and rejoicing in Him.  How amazing to see lives transformed and communities formed by the indwelling of the living God.


But this was all prophesied in the Feast of Weeks. God had promised a New Covenant, a coming together of Jew and Gentile, a pouring out of His Holy Spirit, a joint witness to Messiah by both Jews and Gentiles. What happened that day was in fulfilment of the Feast of Weeks. Seven Sabbaths after the Passover would see a pouring out of God’s Holy Spirit and the formation of the New Testament church. The oft prophesied New Covenant was reality. God had entered into relationship with His people, the Church, and would use them in a powerful way to shine His light, His love and His mercy to a dark and lost world.


You and I are a part of this world wide church that spans geography, culture, education levels, health levels and age barriers. We together have been brought into one family to bring testimony to the Messiah, to declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light.




Use today’s reading and notes to write down ideas for your prayers.







¥ Pray for Sonday’s services. Pray that God’s plan of fulfilment would continue as more people are brought into His kingdom through His grace and mercy. Pray that the Word of God would be powerfully spoken and that everyone would join into worship. Pray that God would bring conviction, correction, healing, guidance, revival, renewal, strengthening etc as needed.

¥ Pray that we would see many people converted to Christ through our corporate and individual outreaches. Pray that every single believer in your congregation, you included, would make the most of every opportunity to speak the Word of Life into the lives of others. Pray that God would prepare those who hear to receive the Good News and to find life eternal in Christ.




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