Saturday, 6 October 2012

Tuesday November 6, 2012

Read Leviticus 23:42-44


Aussies love to go out bush. Every Christmas and Easter letterboxes are filled with catalogues from outdoor and camping shops catering for the thousands upon thousands who love to get out for the weekend and enjoy the Great Outdoors. It’s so popular that a show ‘The Great Outdoors’ has aired for many years now.


But the Israelite's weren’t too keen on going bush. They didn’t have a love of the outdoors and going into the wild as we do. They preferred much more civilised houses and homes.  But even so, they were told, or more correctly commanded, to camp out in booths for the week in memory of the way that God led His people through the wilderness for 40 years and provided daily for their needs.


The Feast of Booths, or Ingathering lasted from the 15th day to the 21st day of Tishri which corresponds to our September-October.  During this feast the people were to live in simple booths made from branches and cloth and they were to rejoice in the goodness of God and in His daily provision. They recalled and experienced to some degree what it meant for that initial generation to spend 40 years in the wilderness, marching towards the Promised Land.


On the first day of the feast each Israelite was to take fruit from the trees, palm fronds, leafy branches, and poplars (23:39–40a). Although not explicitly stated in the text, we should assume that the branches from these trees would be used for the making of their wooden booths.  The booths were a simple, three sided shelter.  Throughout the history of Israel we see that they also waved the branches of palm, myrtle, willow and citron towards the four corners of the earth acknowledging that God is the Sovereign Lord of all the earth.  They would also recite the Hallel (as in Hallelujah) Psalms (Ps 113-118) as they spent the week in their booths.


How often do you and I rejoice in the Lord’s provision? How often do we take time to think about God and the way that He has blessed us and provided for us? How often do we take the time to rejoice in God? Let me encourage you to make time to praise and thank God for His provision each and every single day. Develop an attitude of gratitude for what God has given you. Learn to count your blessings each and every single day.



Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.












¥ Pray that God would provide for Straight Talk Australia and use them powerfully to bring the light of Christ to many students. Pray for open doors in various schools around the country.  Pray that God would uphold and strengthen Jim and Faye in this vital ministry.

¥ Pray for the work of Shiloh Church Ministries in India. Pray that God would bless their work and provide for their daily needs.


My Additional Prayer Points.








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