Saturday, 13 October 2012

Saturday October 13, 2012

List 3 people that you would like to rescue from sin. Pray for each one by name and then ring and invite each to church tomorrow.


Read Luke 15


I have no doubt that Jesus would attend a church if He were with us bodily as He was 2,000 years ago. He visited the synagogues. I suspect He’d do the same here and visit the churches, where God’s people are located.  But outside of church times, I wonder where He’d spend most of His time? Would He spend hours in the manse talking to the ‘important people’? Would He reside at church head office where the “really really really important” people hang out? Would He sit in the halls of power and speak to the politicians??


I suspect that Jesus would be out looking for the lost sheep or the prodigal son  among the unclean. I suspect He’d be out searching among the homeless, the hobos, the drunkards, the prostitutes and the sinners for those who belong to His Kingdom.  It’s sobering isn’t it?


If we are to be the people of God then we need to start doing what the people of God are called to be doing - helping rescue the lost sheep, finding the lost treasure and seeking out the prodigal sons and daughters of our world. We need the heart of God. We need the mind of God. We need the love of God within us to guide us and show us the right way.


Rather than thinking about church as a 5 star pleasure cruise, let’s start thinking about it as a rescue ship - a ship sent into the stormy night to help rescue others who are drowning in the sea of sin.
In the Feast of Weeks we see that God has paved the way for Jews and Gentiles to come into His kingdom. Let us make sure that we are showing people the way.



Use today’s reading and notes to write down ideas for your prayers.









¥ Pray for Sonday’s services. Pray that God’s plan of fulfilment would continue as more people are brought into His kingdom through His grace and mercy. Pray that the Word of God would be powerfully spoken and that everyone would join into worship. Pray that God would bring conviction, correction, healing, guidance, revival, renewal, strengthening etc as needed.

¥ Pray that you would be a great light in your church community and that you would be able to serve and bless people tomorrow. Pray that other people have this mind set as well.



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