Write down 100 things for which you can praise God.
Read Acts 2:1-12; Luke 1:1
If you were to read the Greek New Testament you’d realise that verse 1 of Acts 2 is vitally important. Our English translations tend to gloss over the point. The word ‘came’ is not the best translation. In Greek the word means to come in fulfilment of something. A literal translation might read something like, ‘When the Day of Pentecost had fully come…’ or, ’When the Day of Pentecost was fulfilled…’ The text is clearly picking up on a fulfilment motif.
In fact, Luke, the author of Acts, tells us in Luke 1:1 that his goal in writing the two volumes (ie Luke and Acts) is to show us the things that have been fulfilled among us. This account on the day of Pentecost is another fulfilment along the way.
As we read through Acts 2 we see that there is a fulfilment. The Holy Spirit is given in fulfilment of an earlier promise. People from all over the world come into the Kingdom in fulfilment of God’s wider plan. Jews and Gentiles (proselytes to Judaism) gather together in fulfilment of the offering of the two loaves.
We think it’s pretty special that God called us into His heavenly kingdom. At least I hope we do! We praise God that He saved us through the mediatory work of Christ Jesus. How much greater is our joy when we realise that God has saved us in accord with His plan from eternity. We are not isolated incidents in God’s saving work but part of a wider plan to reach the entire universe with His love and grace and mercy. How magnificent that God included us in His world wide plan, rather than making us an after thought.
Use today’s reading and notes to write down ideas for your prayers.
Pray for the upcoming Kings Kidz production. Pray that God would bring many non Christians along and that He would use this production to grow His kingdom. Pray that the kids would know
¥ their parts and perform well. Pray that all things flow together and work together for His glory.
¥ Pray that this weekend’s service would bring great glory and honour to our God and Saviour. Pray that all people attending would be greatly blessed and that God would meet with each one at their greatest need - salvation, healing, encouragement, guidance and so on.
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