Thursday, 25 October 2012

Thursday October 25, 2012

How can you be preparing to meet God in the gathered assembly this Sonday?


Read Psalm 81


Time travel would be awesome in so many respects. Imagine being able to go back in time to see the festivals being celebrated. Imagine being in the temple area as the Feast of Trumpets began.


Try to picture the 120 priests blowing their silver trumpets for the daily sacrifices and new moon sacrifices. Picture the deafening sound as the offerings were burnt to God in dedication and honour. Can you hear and see a lone priest standing among them blowing the shofar in long sustained blasts as the trumpets sounded short blasts over the sacrifices throughout the day? Can you hear the ringing in your ears after every sacrifice?


Can you hear the Levitical choir rise up in songs of adoration and praise as they sing Psalm 81. Can you hear their melodious chants with instruments  softly in the background? Can you see and smell the festive drink offerings as they are poured upon the altar?


Can you feel the excitement and expectation and joy in the crowd? Can you feel the love as people gather joyously in the Lord’s temple to celebrate, to praise and to stand before God Almighty.


Imagine if you will, this approach to God, transported to our time and Christians gathering before God with joy, with excitement and with deep expectation as they stand before God Almighty. Imagine being prepared to meet with God each and every Sonday. Imagine the sacrifice of praise rising to God as we sing His praise and declare His wonders. Imagine the heavenly assembly joining into our praise and adoration of the one true living God.



Use today’s reading and notes to write down ideas for your prayers.










¥ Pray that God would be powerfully at work through Straight Talk Australia. Pray that God would open doors for more schools to hear the message and that many many many students would willingly bow the knee at Christ’s Lordship. Pray that Jim and Faye would be upheld and strengthened by the Lord Himself and that they would be encouraged by seeing the fruit of their labours.

¥ Pray for the work of Shiloh Church Ministries as they continue to reach out to the poor and needy. Pray that God would provide for the orphans in Mulapeta, Samelkot and Orissa. Pray that the Pastors who have no support would receive support and be able to focus on ministering and serving rather than worrying about provisions. Pray that God would provide for the many widows that Shiloh supports.



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