List 50 things that you are thankful to God for. Now praise the Lord for each one.
Read Exodus 12:7-11
There’s something special about a roast meal together with family. Each and every year when Israel celebrated her New Year she was to eat roast lamb in a very special way. The meal was symbolic of all that the Lord had done for them. Families were to celebrate together, in gratitude for the Lord’s Salvation.
The meat was to be roasted over a fire and eaten with bitter herbs and yeast-free bread. The bitter herbs reminded them of the bitterness of slavery. The unleavened bread reminded them that on that first Pass Over night the Israelites did not have time to let the bread dough rise before baking it. God acted speedily that night. Added to this, they were to eat the meal dressed and ready to head out for the night. Their cloaks were to be tucked into their belts and their sandals were to be tied and ready. Their staff was to be at the ready. They were to be ready to run out of the door. It
was a special meal for generations to come that pictured in graphic detail what God had done for them that very first Pass Over night.
Have you ever wondered why we eat the Lord’s Supper together in churches? Like the Passover meal, it would be very easy to allow this meal to become a ritual that we just sit through and endure. But like the Pass Over, the Lord’s Supper meal reminds us of something. When Jesus took the bread and broke it, he said, ‘This is my body, do this in remembrance of me’. When you eat the Lord’s Supper you are remembering that Jesus died on the cross wearing the wrath of God that you deserved. You are effectively praising Him and thanking Him for that sacrifice. The way you approach that supper is really between you and God. You can sit idly by and roll your eyes and grimace about everything. You can be uninvolved or disengaged. Or you can engage with God and pour out your heartfelt thanks to Him. You can reflect deeply on what Jesus did for you personally on that night. You can allow the broken bread to draw you closer to God through Christ. It’s really the same with every blessing the Lord gives us isn’t it? We can open our arms wide and be blessed or we can stand by hard hearted and remain at arm’s length. Choose today how you will approach God and His blessings.
Think about Jesus’ last week on this planet, up to and including his death and resurrection. How does that lead you to adoration, confession and thanks? Jot down some thoughts and get praying.
¨ Spend time praying for the salvation of 3 other people you know. Ask God to grant them repentance and faith.
¨ Spend time praying for an open heart and caring heart towards the poor and needy in your town. Pray that this attitude would be granted to others in your church as well.
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