Do you understand the relationship between faith and works? See if you can write it out clearly and then seek to share it with someone who doesn't know.
Read Exodus 12:12-13
On the night of the original Pass Over the Israelites were to take the lamb that had been slaughtered and they were to put blood from the lamb on their door posts - both the sides and the tops. That very night God would come to Egypt and bring great judgement upon the people. The first born of every household would be struck down. But for every house with the blood of the lamb painted on the door frames, there would be a Passing Over of judgement, hence the name Pass Over.
Several things were happening here. Firstly, there was a real substitution happening. God would Pass Over each house with lamb’s blood on the door frames because the lamb was accepted as a substitute in place of the first born in that house. Secondly, faith was a necessary part of the entire operation. The household trusted that God would Pass Over their house and not bring judgement because the acceptable sacrifice had been slain on their behalf. Thirdly, God was dealing with entire households, not just individuals. The family slaughtered the lamb and painted their door frames together, Each individuals did not have to paint a door frame. Fourthly, faith for Israel was active, not dead. Simply giving mental assent to the truth that God would Pass Over the homes that killed the Paschal Lamb was not enough. One had to have true faith that resulted in fruit - the lamb had to be killed and the blood had to be painted on the door frames.
Now slap yourself in the forehead if you can’t see here a direct relationship to our own salvation through Christ Jesus. Just like the lamb, Jesus (who is called our Pass Over Lamb) is accepted as a suitable substitute in our place. And don’t we need faith? Didn’t the Israelites need faith? Doesn’t James 2 talk about real faith as opposed to dead faith being a faith that produces work? Real faith results in fruit, action and a new lifestyle. And if you read Acts 16 you’ll see that God still deals with entire households.
Far too many believe the ridiculous lie that Israel was saved by works but we are saved by grace. How absurd! Does the Bible say for nothing that “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness”? Think about it! Israel was enslaved by Pharaoh and cried out to God for salvation. God didn’t give them the Torah (Law) and say ‘Keep this and you will be free.” God graciously saved them from slavery and then gave them the Law as guide on how to live as God’s people. You and I are in the same boat aren’t we? God saves us from slavery to sin and then shows us how to live as His people. How blessed we are?
As you engage in adoration, confession and thanksgiving focus on your salvation.
¨ Spend time praying for the salvation of 3 other people you know. Ask God to grant them repentance and faith.
¨ Ask God to grow the ministry and outreach of Student life in Australia and Uni Impact in NZ. Pray that both of these groups will be able to make many disciples, winning many over to the Lord.
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