Thursday, 6 September 2012

Thursday September 6, 2012

Read today’s passage and get together with a mature believer and ask which of these gifts relate to you            personally.


Read 1 Corinthians 12:8-11


What’s your role in the church? Can you summarise your purpose in God’s church in one clear definitive sentence? I bet most believers can’t! We live in a world where church is about coming and sitting and consuming and leaving. God’s church is about serving and giving and edifying others and blessing others.  You are either a contributor or a consumer. If you don’t know your role in the church then you are probably the latter.  But that can change very quickly and very easily.


But how can we find out our role in the church? It boils down to knowing how verse 7 (see yesterday’s study) is true for my own life. I need to know what spiritual gift God has given me. I need to start using that gift and blessing others with it.  But that doesn’t answer the question does it? You’ll learn how to find your gift this weekend at church. You’d better be there!


Finding our spiritual gift and using it is vitally important because God Himself has given us certain roles to play. Imagine our friend in today’s photo being the welcomer for new comers in your church! Not many people would get out of their car would they? God outlines various roles in today’s passage but this list is by no means exhaustive. Look through the list and prayerfully consider each one. Which one raises passion in you? Which ones excite you or cause you to see great potential? As you start answering these kinds of questions you are well on the way to using you gift for the blessing and benefit of others. But more on Sonday. Don’t miss this one!!!



Spend time in adoration, confession and thanks. Write down your points for future reference.










¨ Pray that God’s Holy Spirit would be powerfully at work in you and in your congregation showing people their spiritual gifts and encouraging and leading them to use those gifts for the edification of others.

¨ Pray that people in your congregation would be walking in obedience to the Lord and doing His will and His work rather than their own will and their own work.



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