Friday, 14 September 2012

Friday 14 September, 2012

Choose someone you know who is suffering and offer them some practical support today.



Read: John 16:31-33, Romans 8:18-30


One doesn’t have to do much more than turn on the radio to hear messages from popular Christian leaders about how Christians should live lives of happiness, health and prosperity. Messages like “be all you can be” and have “your best life now” are certainly attractive to Christians who are struggling or finding life difficult. One doesn’t have to look very far, however, to see a very different story told by Jesus and the apostles.


In our reading from John we see Jesus warn His disciples that they will have trouble. Think back over the stories of Jesus’ disciples after His death and resurrection. Of the twelve disciples ten died as martyrs and one died in exile after the Romans boiled him alive and he wouldn’t die. Even Jesus, the son of God, lived His life homeless, poor and persecuted. Finally, He suffered and died a horrific death on the cross.


In the same way that Jesus and His disciples were to expect suffering for their faith we are to expect suffering also. Suffering is part and parcel of the Christian faith. We live in a world that is hostile and opposed to Jesus and the gospel and even violently persecuting believers in certain countries.  However, we are not without hope. Jesus reminds His disciples to take heart as He has overcome the world and Paul in Romans gives us amazing promises of how the spirit will help us in suffering. We may also remember that as Christians God wastes nothing (Romans 8:28). God recycles all suffering and all persecution in order to make us more like Jesus.


Suffering is a vital element of life together in the church. As the church we suffer together in a way which advances the gospel and we support each other in the midst of suffering. Who in your life is suffering at the moment? How can you support them?



Spend a few moments in adoration, confession and thanksgiving before praying these and other prayer points. Write down what you pray.









¨ Pray for believers around the world who are suffering severe persecution for their faith. Pray that God would strengthen them and comfort as they suffer and that God would use their suffering to advance His kingdom.

¨ Pray for anyone in the church who is suffering ridicule, financial hardship or facing difficulties as a result of their faith. Pray that God would strengthen them and allow them to remain faithful and to grow.



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