Thursday, 20 September 2012

Thursday September 20, 2012

Think through this one. What does it mean for you personally that you are redeemed? Have coffee with another believer and ask them too.


Read Deuteronomy 5:1-21


Yesterday we read the 10 Commandments in the Book of Exodus. Today we read them in the Book of Deuteronomy. Why? So that you can compare the two and find the main difference! Feel like the little fellow in our photograph? Hint hint! We are studying the Sabbath. That should let you work it out.


Many commentators have no idea why the reason for the Sabbath changes between Exodus and Deuteronomy from a creation ordinance to a salvation ordinance. The reason is simple but then again so is nuclear physics when someone explains it to you.


When God created the world and placed mankind as His vice-regent over creation He wanted to have regular appointments to grow closer together and to make sure that the global company never became the main objective Relating to God and loving God was always to be the main motto, the chief item on the agenda. The regular weekly appointment was intended to help that blossom.


After the vice regents tried to take over the CEO’s job by utter and pointed disobedience , God still wanted to meet regularly with mankind. But because of sin, such a meeting was deadly dangerous. Sin proved to be lethal for humanity and had to be dealt with before such meetings could happen. Otherwise it could be like trying to kiss an active nuclear bomb.


After God’s work at creation, God rested. But this rest was quickly interrupted by the need for the work of redemption. Through redemption God makes it possible for you and I to meet with Him, to come into His presence and to enjoy His blessed salvation for all eternity. God makes it possible for us to stand in His presence with our sin and rebellion completely and utterly dealt with.


Even more so, God allows us to call Him, the holy and majestic creator God, “Father”, “Abba” or even “Daddy”! And here’s the incredible bit. God loves you so much, so intensely that He gave Jesus, His only Son, as a sacrifice to pay the debt that you owed to God. God did that willingly. Imagine if the little fellow in our photograph was your son. Would you give him up as a payment to free your enemies? Of course you wouldn’t. I wouldn't! But God would and did. Jesus came into our world and lived as a man for our sakes. He lived the perfect life and even so, died on the cross for our sins. He died as a ransom to set us free form the power of sin so that we can stand in the presence of our heavenly Daddy.


That’s the kind of love God wants to share with you each and every Sonday. Of course He will share it with you every day but Sonday is a family day where all God’s children gather around Him and praise and thank Him for His love. Would you rather play sport or join in that kind of love? Would you rather spend time with friends telling rude and crude jokes or share in your Heavenly Dad’s love? Would you rather dig the garden or draw near to your Father and be blessed by Him? Would you rather finish your work or assignments or be blessed by His love? Tough choice, huh?


Spend time in adoration and confession and thanks. See if you can focus your time on the concept of Sabbath.











¨ Pray for the believers in North Korea who have to hide their faith and can’t meet openly for church. Pray that God would raise up a government in that land that allows freedom to worship Christ. Pray that the brothers and sisters there would persevere and remain faithful.

¨ Pick one missionary that your church supports and spend time praying for that missionary.





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