Call up someone in the church and ask how you can pray for them today. Pray for them over the phone!
Read: Acts 12:1-19
“We have a 24-hour hotline to the throne room of the universe.” Chuck Missler
Have you ever seen those movies where the important leaders have a red phone to directly contact the President? Have you ever wished that you had a phone like that? Imagine having a phone that links you directly to the office of the president (or the prime minister). What would you do with a direct line to someone in power?
As Chuck Missler so nicely articulates, as Christians we actually have something far greater. It’s not just the ruler of the country that we can speak to at any time, it is the ruler of the universe. Yet how little do we appreciate prayer? Look again at Acts 2:42. The early church devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Today’s passage, an amazing story of God’s power at work when people pray, also shows how the early church was committed to and involved with prayer especially in a time of crisis (verses 5 and 12 especially).
How are we committed to prayer both individually and corporately as a church? How can you be praying for those in your cell group and those in the church? Would you be willing to go to a prayer meeting one morning a week, or to gather before the Sonday service to pray with other believers?
Today’s study is quite short. Use the extra time to pray for those around you in the church and to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you how you can be more involved with prayer in the church. Call up someone close to you in the church and ask how you can pray for them today. Don’t wait until later to pray! Pray with them over the phone.
Spend a few moments in adoration, confession and thanksgiving before praying these and other prayer points. Write down what you pray.
¨ Pray for each member of your cell group and each person close to you in the church by name. Pray that God would burden their hearts about prayer and that they might grow closer to God as they pray throughout the day.
¨ Pray that as cell groups meet together this week to study God’s word and to discuss their role in the church that they would be praying for one another and encouraging one another to grow in applying their faith.
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