Saturday, 8 September 2012

Saturday September 8, 2012

Think of one way you can share at church tomorrow and prepare yourself to serve.


Read 1 Corinthians 12:21-31


The flip side of what we learnt yesterday occurs, not when one person opts out of the body, but when one person tries to push another person out of the body.


Now of course no respectable church or church goer would do that openly and blatantly. But when we put human standards on our services and works we are pushing people out. I’ve actually heard of churches saying that you have to dress a certain way to serve in this ministry, or you have to have a certain level of income to be involved in this ministry, or your education levels have to be so high before you can come on board here. Is not the eye saying to the hand, ’I don’t need you’?  When individuals grizzle behind the scenes or make fun of someone’s ministry and service we are again, being like that eye!


God has designed the church to work in perfect harmony like the body does. He wants us to have equal concern for all the parts and to care for each other equally.  We are to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep and so on. We are to love each other as Christ has loved us.


Also, we are not to strive to be like someone else. That is tacitly saying that other people are more important.  We are also devaluing others by putting someone on a pedestal.  Rather let us strive to be all that Christ created us to be and let us serve Him with passion and vigour.


Tomorrow you will be at church and you will be with the body that Christ created you to be with. That alone is awesome. But what is more awesome is that Christ created you to have a role in that body. He created you to be a vital link in that chain. To God and to others you are important. You can and will make a difference to others and to the entire body as you worship God and serve wholeheartedly tomorrow in the Body of Christ.



As you think about the church in general and your own local church spend time in adoration, confession and thanksgiving.










¨ Pray that God would honoured tomorrow at your local church service in word, in song, in prayer and in deed. Pray that each believer would come ready to serve and to give wholeheartedly to God. Pray that  you would see God powerfully at work during and through the service.

¨ Pray that church would grow tomorrow and that more and more people would be joyously bending the knee to confess Jesus as Lord.


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