Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Wednesday September 19, 2012

What factors stop you from wanting to be at church each week. Write them down and pray about them.


Read Exodus 20:1-17. 1 Peter 2:16


Whenever we talk of Sabbath observance and the Ten Commandments we automatically think of people being legalistic. Our hearts seem to be inextricably drawn to our Lord’s words about being free in Christ. We seem to cling desperately to the idea that our freedom in Christ means that we can do all the “undone” things of the week on the Lord’s Day. Whether it’s the shopping or assignments or work or gardening or recovering from our Saturday night binge we are comfortable and happy to allow the Lord’s Day to be our 8th day of the week. We seem to cling to the notion we are the Lord of the Sabbath and have a free reign on the Lord’s Day. Heaven help anyone who tells us differently. But truly, our freedom is given to us to serve God and to serve others in Christ Jesus. What a better way to do that than being at church and worshipping God together.


To help you understand, picture God’s original intent with Adam in Garden. We know that Adam and God walked together in the cool of the evening. How awesome! Adam walked with God and spent time in the presence of His Majesty. Imagine spending time with God and being intimately close to Him. That’s what church is! It’s not religion or a going through a set of motions. Church is about meeting with the living God and being intimately close to Him!


When God gives us His commands, like make an appointment to meet with Me each and every Sabbath, then it behoves us to obey. God wants to bless us and draw near to us. God wants to lavish us with his love. I mean, think about it seriously. Would you rather fight the hordes at the shops, slave at work to earn a few measly extra dollars, sit with the in-laws and make small talk or stand in the presence of His Majesty, worshipping with your heart and soul and mind and strength? It really is a no-brainer.



Spend time in adoration and confession and thanks. See if you can focus your time on the concept of Sabbath.












¨ Pray that those who are regularly “working” or busy on the Lord’s day would find a Sabbath rest during the week. Pray a special blessing upon these people so that they continue to see their work as a joy and not a burden.

¨ Pray that those who teach us (right from Kings Kids to the sermon each week) would be well fed by God and close to Him. Pray that all of our teaching flows out of love for God and not from a bitter or legalistic heart.



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