Have you children? If yes, let me ask you, Do you want your children to do things that are either wrong or sinful? Of course you don’t! If you don’t have kids, I suspect you would also answer that question in the negative. Paul loves the Corinthians like a father loves his son or daughter. He doesn’t want them to do anything wrong. Neither does he himself want to do anything wrong.
But what constitutes right and wrong? What is the benchmark? How do we know right from wrong? For Paul and for other believers, the standard is the Word of God. Paul wants the Corinthian believers, himself (and us too) to walk in line with the truth and to live by the truth. He goes so far as to say that he cannot do anything against the truth - the Word of God.
It’s my prayer that you and I will have this mindset. Let’s set our mind to do nothing against the truth. Let’s be determined to walk in line with the truth. Let’s make sure that everything we say, everything we do, everything we think and feel is in accord with the Word of Truth.
- Pray that our brothers in Bhutan would be able to live in the truth, walk in the truth and speak the truth of the gospel to the people around them. Pray that these men and women would be courageous for Jesus and be able to stand up to pressure to renounce the name of Jesus.
- Pray that the preachers across our land would fearlessly preach the truth. Pray that the Word of God would not be watered down for the sake of popularity, or because of a fear of mankind. Pray that preachers would fear God more than mankind.
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