Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Tuesday August 10, 2010

Read Colossians 1:3-4

Our world has become so self obsessed and so self focussed that a movie in 1987 (Wall Street, Starring Michael Douglas) could  declare ‘Greed is good!’ To counter this self absorption a ‘National Day of Thanks’ was instituted. Apparently many people in many vital organisations never get a ‘thank you’. We  are so self-occupied that thanking others has all but become extinct.

Listen carefully to what Paul says. He thanks God for the Colossian believers. He praises God for them. He is genuinely grateful for them. And he doesn’t thank God in passing. Look carefully at vs 3. He always thanks God. It’s ongoing!   And for what does Paul give thanks? Paul is grateful that the Colossians have been granted faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is thankful that they have a love for all the saints, all the believers.

We live in a thankless world that is ruled by a ‘look after number 1’ attitude. What a difference giving thanks makes. But before we run off to thank other believers we need to thank God for what He has done in and through our brothers and sisters. Why don’t you take time this morning to give thanks to God for what He’s done in and through other believers?


ü Think of 3 Christians or Christian groups for which you are genuinely thankful. Spend time thanking God for His work in and through them. Make sure you tell God why you are thankful for them.

ü Pray that your church would be a grateful church filled with the love and grace of Christ Jesus. Pray that this thankfulness would be expressed visibly.

ü Pray that the world around us would see our thankfulness and be drawn to Christ through it. Pray for more conversions each day.


List 3 people that you can thank today.  Spend time praising God for them and then plan to thank them in an appropriate way.

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