- Paul prays that we are strengthened with all power so that we can have patience and endurance in our trials. What an awesome joy to know that we have the power of God with us in our trials and that His power graciously allows us to persevere and to be patient. You’ll never approach trials the same way knowing that God’s power is with you.
- We also have deep, immovable joy as we give thanks to God the Father. Even in our trials we know and are confident that God has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints. Our inheritance is sure. Our hope in heaven will never perish, spoil or fade. We can praise the Lord. We can sing His hallelujahs no matter what circumstance comes our way because the Lord is with us and His love can never be taken away from us.
Just to round up, read vs 10-12 again and think about the magnitude of what Paul prays for the Colossians. This is a life changing prayer you can pray for others. This is the kind of prayer others need you to be praying for them.
Choose 5 believers you know and love and pray vs 10-12 for them by name.
ΓΌ Pray that our brothers and sisters in Mexico (where drug lords rule and where Christians are persecuted and killed for their faith) will have great joy, patience and perseverance in their trials. Pray that these men, women and children will be able to love their enemies, bless them and bring many of them into the kingdom.
Take some time to reflect. What were you like as a new Christian? What did you struggle with? What challenges were in front of you?
Compare that with your present state?
Think about how God has worked in you and throughout you.
Spend time praising God for all he’s done.
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