Monday, 30 August 2010

Monday August 30, 2010

Read Colossians  1:21. Romans 3:9-20. 1 John 5:19

It’s a hard pill to swallow when we talk about the whole world being under the power of sin and born into sin. It’s hard to accept that people, even people we call ‘good people,’ are under the condemnation of sin if they have not repented and called on Jesus for salvation.  Our Lord Himself tells us that those who do not believe stand under condemnation right now (John 3:18) because of their unbelief.

Our God has sent His son on a rescue mission to save all people’s in the world. Indeed, He longs for all men to be saved. He wants and yearns for the unbelievers you know to come into a faith-relationship with Christ Jesus. God loves these people and shows His love for them. This is where many a false teaching comes out. God loves them and calls them to repent and believe. Far too many authors and theologians  have concluded that because of this there is no need to repent and call on Jesus for salvation. If God is love then all will be saved. Rest assured that biblically  this is heretical. It is a false teaching and needs to be repented of. God’s wrath and judgment are real. He will call all people’s to account, and He will condemn those who refuse to come to Jesus in repentance and faith.

Rather than entertain heretical thoughts and delude ourselves with unbiblical notions, this truth of God’s judgement should motivate us and spur us on to share the good news of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection with others. It should drive us to make the most of every opportunity to share the love of Jesus with anyone who will listen. This truth should fill us with enthusiasm because we know the other side of the coin - “anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


ü Pray that you will have opportunity to share the gospel, the good news, with someone today. Pray that you might have the joy, the exceeding joy, of leading someone to Christ this week.

ü Pray that our missions in September will bring many people into our Lord’s kingdom, pulling them out of darkness into his wonderful light.

ü Pray that we will see a revival towards Jesus in Pakistan where there is much persecution against Jesus and hatred of his name. Uphold our brothers and sisters in that land in prayerfulness.


List 3 people you know personally who are still under the Lord’s condemnation.




Pray for their salvation and pray for an opportunity to share the good news with them this week.  Try to create opportunities to share with them this week.

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