Monday, 23 August 2010

Monday August 23, 2010

Read Colossians 1:15. John 14:9. Hebrews 1:3

If I had a dollar for the number of times I’ve heard people say, ‘I’d believe in God if I saw Him’, I’d be a very wealthy man. Even though most people have never seen their brain, they believe they have one. They’ve never seen wind, but they believe it’s there. They’ve never seen their emotions but again, no one denies it. Why does God get such “preferential” and special treatment.  Of course, for many people it’s simply a smoke screen to allow them to continue living life the way they want to without having to submit to God. The logic may go something like this: If I see God, I’ll have to believe in Him and if I believe in Him I’ll have to submit to Him. Therefore, I’ll stay in my unbelief.

Colossians 1:15 describes Jesus in very stark terms. He is the image (the visible representation) of the invisible God. If you want to see God, look at Jesus. If you want to know the character of God, the essence of God, look at Jesus. There are four historically reliable  and accurate accounts of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Feel free to check it out. If you don’t have a bible ring the office and we’ll get one for you.

Most non Christian historians have no problem with admitting that the Jesus of the Bible was a real historical character - as real as you and I. What they have trouble admitting is that this real historical character claimed to be the exact representation of God. He claimed to be one with God. He, in effect, claimed to be God.  The crowd heard him clearly and picked up stones to stone him for what they thought was blasphemy because he was claiming to be God. Read it for yourself in John 10:31-33.

The truth is clear. Jesus is God. If you have seen Jesus then you have seen God. One day all creation, all  people (past, present and future) will bow the knee and confess Jesus as Lord. Some will do it willingly and it will be a joyous day. Others will do it unwillingly and it will be the worst day of their eternity. Which will it be for you?


ü Spend time pleading with God that during our mission week (September 12-19 and September 20-24) we will see many people come to confess Jesus as Lord. Pray that we will be able to share the good news with hundreds of people. Ask God to grant each of them repentance and faith in Christ Jesus so that his name will be lifted up.

ü Pray for the India Bible Mission as they continue to see many Tamil’s come to the Lord. Pray that we will see God provide Tamil Bibles in the mass numbers needed. Pray for more labourers in this vast harvest field.


Prepare a written answer for the statement ‘I’d believe in God if I saw him’.

Ask God for an opportunity to share your answer with a non believer.

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