Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Tuesday August 31, 2010

Read Colossians 1:22, Romans 3:21-26. Revelation 21

A friend of mine told me about a near drowning experience he had as a teenager. He was a well trained swimmer but was caught in a rip and was in desperate trouble in the ocean. He probably thought he was going to die. As the life saver came up to him, this drowning fellow tried to help and assist the life saver. To his amazement the life saver said, ‘Don’t help me’.

These are the words we need to remember about our salvation.  We cannot help Jesus save us. We cannot do anything to merit salvation. We cannot do anything to make God love us. We cannot make ourselves better candidates for salvation. Like the man being rescued from the surf, we need to let our heavenly life saver do it all.

The good news is that He has done it all. He has paid the price in full and has purchased salvation for us.  Through His physical body Christ has reconciled us to God. God presented Jesus as a sacrifice of atonement for our sins and we are saved freely by His grace.

This is very humbling stuff. When we come before the Lord in our quiet times it’s good to remember that God has saved us by grace. It’s good to recall that we contribute nothing to our own salvation.

As we stand humbly before God, whether corporately or privately, remembering that we are saved by faith and faith alone, we are led to praise God, to adore Him and to thank Him for all that He’s done on our behalf.


ü Pray for the two weeks of mission in September. Pray that we will have many labourers willing to go out into the mission field to declare that faith in Christ is the only way to be saved. Pray that God would prepare the hearts of the community to hear the message and to place their faith/trust in Jesus.

ü Pray for the two colleges in Myanmar that we support as they train up people to preach the Word and reach the unbelievers. Pray that this message of faith will be heard by many and that more and more people would come to faith and repentance. Pray that the colleges have all they need to continue this great work of reaching people for Christ.

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