Jesus is the head of the church. Surely no believer would doubt that! Jesus purchased us for Himself, and hence for the church, with His own blood. He was raised to life as both Lord and Judge, being given headship and lordship over the church. Jesus, by His exalted position has supremacy in all things.
This relatively simple teaching has immense implications for each and every believer. Let me spell out a few-
- If Jesus is the head and the church is His body then the church must be doing what Jesus did during His life on earth. Our mission as a church is Jesus’ mission. As a church we must be diligent to be doing Jesus’ work and not our own work. If we are busy doing things unrelated or unneeded in Jesus’ work then we need to repent and turn around.
- Every believer needs to belong to a church and needs to be actively involved. 1 Cor 12, Eph 4 and other passages make this exceedingly clear. There are no lone ranger Christians in the NT. Some statisticians have estimated that 30-50% of the body of Christ are absent any given Sonday. Since we are all vital members of the body of Christ, this is clearly a transgression of what God would have for His body. Indeed, we are told not to give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing.
- With Jesus as our head we need to know the will and command of our commander. We need to be immersed in the Word and learning from the entire counsel of the Word.
If Jesus is the head of the church, then the church when gathered needs to be communing with its head through
- prayer. Someone rightly commented once, that a service without prayerfulness is nothing more than vain religion. Individuals should commune regularly through prayer as well.
ü Pray for our September missions. From Sep 12 we have the college team coming up for an intense week of mission. Pray for the Kingdom of God to grow through this week of mission. Pray that we would see many non Christians come along to our events. Pray that we would see people come along that God has prepared to hear and respond to the gospel. Pray that all preparations would go well. From Sep 20-24 we have a Kids Games week. Pray that we’d have enough helpers to run the program well. Pray that many non church families would come along and ask God to allow us to minister to whole families during the week. Pray for conversions during this week as well.
ü Pray that each person in the congregation would be communing with Christ through prayer during the week. Pray that as a congregation we would be prayerful and in deep communion with our heavenly Lord.
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