Read Isaiah 42:1-7
God had always planned that the message of Jesus’ death and resurrection would be taken out to the world. God’s mega agenda has always been the filling of His creation with people that love and serve Him. In a dark world, the light of Jesus is shining brightly as God calls people to Himself through faith in Jesus Christ.
The wonderful news is that you and I are included in God’s mega –agenda. We are a part of God’s grand plan to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. For some, that may mean jetting off to the far reaches of the globe but for most of us it means being Christ’s witness here in our own world among the family and friends that God has given us. We are called to be doing the work of Christ - “ open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness...”. It is by preaching the gospel and calling people to Christ that we achieve this work. Let us be faithful witnesses to the love of Christ Jesus and let us make the most of every opportunity that comes before us.
Our ‘worship services’ are meant to motivate us and prepare us for outreach into the world. As we gather before our Lord and Saviour, as we sing His praises, as we seek His intervention in our lives and our world, His grace, His compassion, His love for the lost is to motivate us to reach them for Jesus. What God has done for us compels us to be in the world (not of the world) making disciples for Jesus.
ü Pray that you and every member of your congregation would have a mindset that seeks to take the gospel into all the world. Pray you and all the members of your congregation would make the most of every opportunity seeking to bring the message of hope and salvation to as many people as possible.
ü Pray for David and Kirsty Richards as they plan to move to New Zealand to work on campus there. Ask the Lord to open doors, to move mountains so that they can bear much fruit for the gospel. Pray too that support for David and Kirsty would continue on this venture for Christ.
Prayerfully think of 3 ways you can encourage others to be mission minded tomorrow. Put these 3 things into practice tomorrow at your gathered service.
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