Wednesday 31 July 2013

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Read: Exodus 35:30-35, Romans 12:3-8

Have you ever thought about the ability to do craft as a gift given by God? Maybe you have a scrapbooking hobby. Have you ever thought that that might be a gift from God? Maybe you are good with your hands, working with wood or metals. Maybe you enjoy playing sport in your spare time. What about the ability to do business? Or the ability to speak publicly? Or the ability to work with children?

These are not things we commonly think about when we consider how God has gifted us to serve His church. Instead we think of the incredible, miraculous gifts. Gifts like preaching, miraculous healings, prophesy, or even, speaking in tongues. Exodus 35 dispels this myth. God specifically gifted Bezalel and Oholiab with “skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts.” They were gifted to be able to work with metals, woods and stones; they were gifted by God to be able to teach others these same skills. God is abundantly clear that these are not just ‘natural’ gifts, these are gifts given by him for the work of constructing the tabernacle.

The Bible teaches that every New Testament believer is given the Holy Spirit and is gifted by God to serve the church and grow God’s kingdom (1 Corinthians 12:7). These gifts are not limited to miraculous powers, they include all the skills and abilities which God has given each of us. Notice the examples which Paul gives in Romans 12, gifts that we would often think of as natural gifts make up the majority of his list. These are gifts like serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and showing mercy.

What gifts and talents has God given you? What things are you ‘naturally’ talented at that could be used for God’s kingdom? How can you serve your local church with these gifts? How can you use your skills and talents to share Christ with others? Seek opportunities today to use these skills and abilities to build God’s kingdom.

Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.





 Praise God for the gifts and talents He provides people for the sake of serving the church. Take a moment to thank God for the skills and abilities He has given you and pray that He would give you wisdom as you seek to use them for His kingdom.

 Continue to pray for believers around the world who are suffering intensified persecution during Ramadan, a month of fasting and prayer for Muslims. Pray that God would strengthen and encourage those who are being persecuted and give them courage to proclaim their faith.

My Additional Prayer Points.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What talents do you think God gave you? What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? What are you passionate about? Do you consider these talents? Discuss and explore the variety of gifts, talents, and abilities in your group.
2. What opportunities might this give you to engage with people? What opportunities might this give you to serve in your local church? What opportunities might you have in your local community? Be creative.

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