Thursday 21 October 2010

Thursday October 21, 2010

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:11.  Hebrews 3:13

Though encouragement is a gift and some believers are particularly good at it, we are all called to be encouraging to one another.

Every time you meet another believer or talk to another Christian you have a God given opportunity to build him up and/or to encourage him. But the converse is also true. You have the opportunity to discourage and to tear someone down.  Have you ever realised that there is a third option as well? Each meeting could also be a complete neutral where you have no affect what so ever! I personally think that this last option is the worst of all!

Make it your personal goal to encourage and build up each and every believer you speak or relate to. Make it your goal to be positive and to speak words of encouragement, that it may benefit those who listen. Make it your goal to do anything necessary at any meeting so that the other person is edified.

Don’t settle for mediocrity. Don’t settle for being a negative person or someone who pulls others down. You can choose to be an encourager and an edifier, even if it’s not your spiritual gift. God never commands us to do that which He doesn’t or won’t enable us to do. Spend time committing this plan to the Lord and ask His empowering to be an encourager and an edifier.


ÿ Pray that the Lord Himself will encourage and build up the church in North Korea. As these believers meet in secret and are small because of intense persecution, they need daily strength and encouragement from our Lord. Pray that He will provide.

ÿ Ask God to make you an encourager. Ask Him to show you what in your life (words, deeds, posture, habits etc) is discouraging to others. Pray for the strength and ability to repent.

Encouragement can be as simple or as complicated as you like.

Choose three people you can          encourage today and the means by which you can encourage them.

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