Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Wednesday July 30, 2014

Read Romans 8:5-8

A young man who professed to love Jesus was asked by his pastor why he could not and did not attend church regularly. The fumbled answer, with much umming and arrr-ing came back, ‘There is always so much else to be done. Life just gets busy’. This young man illustrates well the truth of Romans 8:5-8. Our lives are a by-product of what’s in our mind. When Scripture talks about ‘mind’ it includes our thoughts but more so it is our ‘centre’. Whatever we place in our centre, our inner being, is shown in our life and words. That young man had given his heart and mind, that is his centre, over to the things of life. Work, socialising, fun and family were at the centre of his life. God was placed on an outer layer and was given time when these other, more central things, didn’t  demand of him. If God is not in your centre then you are not living a life of worship. Harsh words aren’t they?

God does not and will not play second fiddle to work, socialising, sport, family or anything else. We have to come to God and worship Him on His terms not on ours. The very millisecond me or my agenda enters into worship, it’s no longer worship but consumerism. This is exactly what Romans 8:5-8 is saying. The mind of the sinful nature, that is the mind set on the desires of the flesh is set on what that nature desires. It is more concerned about work and play and fun and pleasing people and earning money and keeping family happy and … God doesn’t get a mention!

The picture only gets dimmer. The mind controlled by the sinful nature ends up in death - death towards God and if left unchecked, eternal death, eternal separation from God. The sinful mind is hostile to God. A person may sit in church but that sinful mind is angered when the church asks for commitment or giving or time or talents or treasures. The sinful mind finds reasons to leave that church or to gossip and slander the leadership of that Church. The sinful mind is hostile when more is asked for than mere attendance. No wonder we read that the sinful mind cannot and will not submit to God’s law!

But in contrast those who live in accord with the Spirit have their mind on what the Spirit desires. John 16:14 tells us that the Spirit desires truth. Truth is about worship, adoration and praise of God. The person who lives by the Spirit is filled with life and peace. He or she puts God in their centre and gives God their entire heart, soul, mind and strength. They worship God and make God a priority in everything. He or she gives God the seat of authority and makes all decisions based on God’s authority and worship of Him. Does he/she schedule other things for Sonday? No, because it’s God’s time! Does he/she spend 95% of the weekly income? No, because that would leave less than a tithe for God? Does he/she dwell on things that are displeasing to God? Of course not. It’s displeasing.

The Spirit filled life is a life lived with God deliberately and consciously in our centre!

Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:



¨ Pray that our cell groups would be havens for growth in holiness and relationship. Pray that they would be reaching out to the community.
¨ Pray that our cell leaders would be equipped by God to lead, to serve and to set the example of godliness and Christ-likeness.
 Word Moment:
If you want God to be a priority in everything try to develop a pattern in your life. Read the Word and apply it!
Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says!
 Discussion Questions 
1. How can a person find out what’s really at their centre?
2. What can someone do if they find out that God is not in their centre?
3. What role could memorising Scripture and singing Scriptural songs play in guarding and keeping our centre God focussed?
4. What is Proverbs 4:23 teaching us and how can we put it into practice?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: It’s very easy to think negatively and to allow jealousy or anger/bitterness to creep into our heart. We can easily begin to think about things that might happen or could happen. This is not glorifying to God.

Discuss how you have seen this in your own life. Talk about how you guard against it.

Read Proverbs 4:23
What does guard your heart mean?
What does it look like for you?
Why is this said to be ‘above all else’?

Pray together that God would purify your heart and help you to guard it carefully.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Men are wired by God to be visual beings. That means we like to look at things, especially women. That in itself is not bad but God wants us to have eyes only for 1 woman - our wife. Until then we have to keep our eyes fixed straight ahead.

Discuss how you have struggled with this and how you have guarded against this.

Read Job 31:1
What does God want you to do?
How can you do this?

Pray together that you would be able to keep the covenant with your eyes before God and that you’ll please Him in all things.

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