Thursday, 17 July 2014

Thursday July 17, 2014

Read: Romans 6:8-11
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important and most incredible event in human history. Through Jesus death and resurrection mankind’s perennial enemies sin and death were defeated once and for all. These powerful foes were stripped of their power forever and the way was made for them to be totally done away with at the second coming. But without the resurrection Jesus would still be lying there in the tomb and He would have been defeated. His resurrection assures us that victory has been won decisively, once and for all.

This is what Paul is talking about in verse 9. Because Christ rose from the dead He showed that death was defeated forever. He showed that what He had done was final and complete. Because Jesus has defeated death He will never die again and death no longer has any power over Him. Paul is clear that this is not an ongoing process or something that needs to be repeated again and again to make it effective. Christ’s death and resurrection is once and for all.

It is incredible then that we as Christians participate in Christ’s resurrection. That is what Paul is talking about here in Romans 6. Just as we have been united with Christ in His death by putting our faith in Him we are united with Him in His resurrection (vs 5). Just as Christ died and defeated sin and death we also die with Christ and the power of sin and death is broken in our lives forever. Not only that but also, just as Jesus rose from death to life with and for God we also have been resurrected from death with Him so that we might live our lives for God now.

That is the link that Paul makes in verse 11. In the same way as Christ we are to count or consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God through Jesus Christ. This isn’t just a hypothetical situation where we imagine that we have died to sin with Christ. This is a reality for those who are in Christ. We have actually died with Him and have been freed from the power of sin. We have been resurrected with Christ to new life in Him, a life lived to God. This is an incredible truth of the Christian life.

If this is the case then we owe everything to God. He has saved us from certain death and rescued us from the power of sin in our lives. He has given us life when we were dead, He has freed us from slavery to evil and He has given us everlasting and abundant life. Because He has given us everything we must give everything we are to Him. Our every thought, our every feeling, our every word, our every deed, all our affections and all our passions we are to give to Him. All we have is His now.

That is what Paul means when he talks about a life lived to God. This is what he means when he talks about being a slave to God or a slave to righteousness later in chapter 6. Everything we are now is lived to God.

Take a moment to think about your own life. Is it a life lived 100% for God? Have you given Him everything because He has given you everything, or are you holding back some aspect or area of your life. Pray that He might help you to release everything to Him.

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for the other churches in our Presbytery on the Darling Downs. Pray that those who are involved in the churches would grow in a passion and desire to love and serve God with everything. Pray that God would strengthen, encourage and guide those in leadership. Pray that God would raise up many Godly men who can serve and lead the church.
  Witness Moment:
There is something amazing and compelling about a life lived 100% sold out for God. That sort of life makes people pay attention.  What an incredible witness it would be if more Christians were sold out for Christ.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What do you think a life lived 100% for God would look like in the following areas:
                 - At school
                 - At work
                 - At home with the family
                 - On the sports field
                 - At church
                 - On the road
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Did you know Jesus rose from the dead! This is the most important thing that has ever happened!
Share: What you know about Jesus rising from the dead? What happened? Who was there?
Read: Mark 16:1-7. This is the most important thing that has ever happened. Jesus rose from the dead! Can you tell the story in your own words? What happened? Why was Jesus in the tomb? How many days was He in the tomb? Why is it important that Jesus rose from the dead? What does it mean for you?
Pray Together: Thank God that Jesus rose from the dead and paid the price for our sins forever. Pray that He would help us to live for Him.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Did you know Jesus rose from the dead! This is the most important thing that has ever happened!
Share: What you know about Jesus rising from the dead? What happened? Who was there?
Read: Mark 16:1-7. This is the most important thing that has ever happened. Jesus rose from the dead! Can you tell the story in your own words? What happened? Why was Jesus in the tomb? How many days was He in the tomb? Why is it important that Jesus rose from the dead? What does it mean for you?
Pray Together: Thank God that Jesus rose from the dead and paid the price for our sins forever. Pray that He would help us to live for Him.

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