Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Tuesday July 8, 2014

Read: Psalm 40:4-5
We love to look back on things that have happened in the past to celebrate and to remember. We celebrate birthdays to remember and appreciate the gift of life. We commemorate memorial days like ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day to remember the past sacrifice of others. We remember anniversaries of things like weddings and deaths. Although sometimes looking back on these things is painful we consider it an important part of how we live our lives.

David too has plenty to remember about God’s faithfulness. In verse 5 he says: “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done.” Not only does David remember the way that God has acted in his own life but he also remembers all the ways that God has acted and intervened throughout history. Many are the wonders that God has done.

It is helpful for us too to pause and remember some of the wonders that God has done. He created the universe, bringing every single thing into being with only His powerful Word. By that same word He sustains all things and keeps things from ceasing to exist (Hebrews 1:3). He rescued Noah and His family from the flood, showing great mercy to humanity. He gave children to Sarah and Abraham despite their old age and inability to have children. He rescued His people out of Egypt by waging war against the Egyptian’s false Gods and showing His power and might. He waged war on the peoples of Canaan so that His people might be established in the land. He made David king against all odds as he was the smallest of His brothers.

Think ahead of David to the wonders that God has done for us. He has willingly come to Earth, lived and perfect life, suffered and died so that we could be made right with Him. He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death forever and restoring us to Himself. He has brought about faith in our hearts and filled us with His Holy Spirit to empower us for life.

But it is about far more than only the wonders that God has already done. David also talks about the things that God has planned for the future. There are too many wonderful things yet to come to even describe. Thousands of years later this is still true. There are so many wonders that God will do that are still coming. He will return to deal with suffering, sin and death forever. He will establish a new heavens and a new Earth, one without any of the effects of the fall and He will come to dwell with us forever.

There are so many wonders that God is yet to do that we might look forward to. How do we respond to all this? David tells us in verse 4: “Blessed is the man
who makes the Lord his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.” Our only possible response to this incredible God of wonders is to totally trust Him. We do not look to our own efforts or worship created things. Our only true response is to trust and worship this incredible God of wonders.

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Praise God that He is a God of wonders. Praise Him for all that He has done throughout History. Praise Him as the creator, saviour, redeemer and all powerful God. Praise Him for who He Is.
¥ Pray for all the small groups meeting in the church this week. Pray that their time together might be encouraging and that they would grow in their love for the Lord and love for each other. Pray that they might grow in understanding of His word and the wonders that He has done.
 Worship Moment:
It is always a good thing to sing praises to God for what He has done. If you know the song God of Wonders take a moment to sing it now and praise God. If you don’t know it, look it up online or sing another praise song to worship God.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. What are some of the wonders that you can think of that God has done?
2. How can you remind yourself of these things every day and remember the wonders that are still to come?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: There are so many amazing things to see in the world! Have you ever been to a museum and marvelled at the amazing things you see?
Share: Something amazing hat you have seen. How did it make you feel?
Read: Psalm 40:5. God has done heaps of amazing things. The Psalmist calls them wonders. Can you think of some of the amazing things that God has done? The Psalmist also talks about the amazing things God is going to do. Can you think of any amazing things that God is going to do in the future? How does this change the way you live now?
Pray Together: Praise God for all the amazing things that He has done.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: There are so many amazing things to see in the world! Have you ever been to a museum and marvelled at the amazing things you see?
Share: Something amazing hat you have seen. How did it make you feel?
Read: Psalm 40:5. God has done heaps of amazing things. The Psalmist calls them wonders. Can you think of some of the amazing things that God has done? The Psalmist also talks about the amazing things God is going to do. Can you think of any amazing things that God is going to do in the future? How does this change the way you live now?
Pray Together: Praise God for all the amazing things that He has done.

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