Thursday, 31 July 2014

Thursday July 31, 2014

Read Romans 8:9-11
The big question for each person in this world is ‘who or what controls you?’ Conversion is the point at which a person changes from being controlled by someone or something other than God to being controlled by God. Conversion is a filling of the Holy Spirit. When evangelist D.L. Moody described his conversion experience, he said: “I was in a new world. The next morning the sun shone brighter and the birds sang sweeter … the old elms waved their branches for joy, and all nature was at peace.” Conversion changes everything.

Unfortunately, there are people in our churches across the world who have not been converted. They may have felt a tinge of guilt. They may have acknowledged the presence or existence of God. They may have sat in a church building their entire life, but they have never been filled with the Spirit.  There are several marks of such a person - far too many to mention. Romans 8:9 sums it up. The pew-sitting person that has never been filled with the Spirit is controlled by the sinful nature. That person will put self above Christ and others. That person will seek pleasure and fulfilment and experience and almost anything else above seeking Christ. That person will make priorities that are not Christ centred and often not Christ honouring. Put bluntly, that person will live for self and not for Christ! The question has to be asked! Are you Spirit filled? Does the Spirit of God live in you? But as we ask that question, several other questions flow out from our heart and mind. How can I know? How can I be sure? How can I tell if some of the afore mentioned things are still in my life?

The question boils down to a simple truth. Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose to life for your justification? If you can answer a definitive yes then you are on the right track. But we have to also ask, have you responded positively to that belief? We are constantly told in Scripture to repent and be baptised or to repent and believe. Even the demons “believe” in God but they shudder!!! If you do believe in Jesus but are not sure, then take a moment to pray the STAY prayer on page 16. When you sincerely pray this prayer you can be assured that you are a Spirit filled Christian– there is no other kind. Make sure you tell someone - your pastor, your elders, your cell group leader. Tell someone that you have given your life to Jesus.

The person filled with the Spirit is controlled by the Spirit and lives in accord with the Spirit - which basically means that they live according to the Word of God. God’s law and God’s word have been written in their hear and mind in accord with the new covenant and they seek to please God in everything. This is not some magical takeover by the Holy Spirit where you cease to exist. As verse 10 shows, you still exist in the same body that you had before conversion. But now there is a battle raging. The old sinful nature wages war against the new Spirit filled nature. Now you are led by the Spirit but the old sinful nature will seek to drag you backwards into sin.
Don’t despair. God has won the battle in Christ and will deliver you safely into His heavenly kingdom. Persevere because the battle is won.

Having read today’s passage and notes jot down various prayer points in each:


¨ Pray that those in your congregation who are not Spirit filled will pray the STAY Prayer on page 16.
¨ Pray that your church would grow as more people are converted to Christ Jesus. Pray that each believer would be faithful in evangelism.
 Worship Moment:
A life of worship is more than just doing things. It is a life lived in obedience through the power of the Spirit, out of gratitude for Christ’s atoning work, in adoration of the Father for His love.
 Discussion Questions
1. Christians talk about a Spirit/flesh battle. What does this mean?
2. What strategies can we put into place to help win the daily Spirit/flesh battle?
3. When we fall in this battle, what should we do?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: We need to make sure that our words match our actions. Sometimes we’ll be tempted to say something but not live it out. We can tell God we love Him but live as though we don’t. God’s Spirit helps us to avoid this kind of life.
Discuss a time when you saw this in your own life. What did you do? How did you change?

Read Galatians 5:17
Describe the battle of Galatians 5:17 in your own life.
How can parents help their daughters and vice versa in this battle?
Pray together for daily victory in this battle.
 Discipleship Moment For Boys
Intro: Men have strong bodily desires (lust, anger etc) that desire immediate fulfilment. God has created right ways to fulfil these desires but our sinful nature seeks out  bad ways to fill them.

Discuss an area of your life where you have seen this to be true in your own life.
Read Galatians 5:17
Describe the battle of Galatians 5:17 in your own life.
How can parents help their sons and vice versa in this battle?

Pray together for daily victory.

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