Read: Romans 6:5-7, Genesis 4:1-8
There’s nothing quite like a good chase scene in a movie. Think of Jurassic Park where the T Rex is chasing the character as they run for their lives. The gnashing teeth, the snapping jaw, the threatening claws and the stomping feet are all working together with one purpose: to devour the character. If the scene is good and the storyline compelling the audience sits on the edge of their seats, eagerly hoping that the character will escape certain death.
The Bible describes a chase with a far more terrifying enemy and a far more horrifying fate should we be caught. In fact should this enemy catch us, overcome us and devour us the result is far more terrible than meeting a grisly death. Instead we meet with eternal horror and punishment. This enemy? Sin.
God describes this chase to Cain in Genesis 4. After Adam and Eve sinned in the garden by disobeying God’s direct command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they were banished from the garden and from intimate relationship with God. But all hope is not lost. Adam and Eve begin having children including two sons, Cain and Abel.
Cain and Abel both bring sacrifices to God, Cain brings a portion of his crops and Abel brings a portion from his flock. For some reason that we are not told God looks favourably upon Abel and his offering but not on Cain and his offering. Cain becomes very angry that God has rejected his offering and God comes to converse with him. Notice what God says to Cain in verses 6 and 7. God exhorts Cain to obey God and to avoid sin. He describes sin as like a wild beast laying in wait, seeking to devour Cain. You can imagine it chasing Cain down like a hungry T-Rex.
Just like with Cain sin is chasing after us and seeking to devour us. It seems impossible to defeat and impossible to escape. There is nothing we can do in ourselves to escape the terrible beast chasing all of us.
Paul gives us some good news in Romans 6. Through faith in Christ we have died with Him and been freed from the power and dominion of sin. Paul says that the body of sin that weighs us down has been done away with for good and that because we have died with Christ we have been freed from sin. Sin has been rendered powerless and unable to hurt us. The T-Rex has been de-toothed, de-clawed and disabled. Although it chases it no longer has the power to devour us or destroy us. It has been rendered powerless.
What good news it is to be freed from the power and slavery of sin! What a relief to know that the monster of sin that chases all of us has been stripped of its power over us by the death and resurrection of Christ. We no longer need to fear sin as if it is something that will always defeat us. We no longer need to worry that sin will master us and destroy us. Sin’s power has been broken forever.
Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray that God would be at work in all the small groups gathering in your church this week. Pray that their time in God’s word would be fruitful and encouraging. Pray that those involved would grow in their love for God and their love and service to one another.
¥ Pray for those Christians around the world who are being persecuted and who are suffering for their faith in Christ. Pray that God would strengthen them and encourage them in their faith. Pray that they would be bold and courageous in preaching the gospel and that many would come to faith.
The wonder of what Christ has done for us on the cross should never cease to amaze us. Take a moment today to praise and thank God again for His great love, mercy and grace towards us.
1. Imagine that you know a believer who has become so discouraged in their fight against sin that they have simply given up. What would you say to that believer from this passage?
2. How does it change the way you think about yourself to know that you have died with Christ?
Intro: Sometimes we need people to fight to protect us.
Share: Who are some of the people who might fight to protect us? Who would they have to fight against?
Read: Genesis 4:6-7.The Bible says that sin is like an enemy that is trying to get us. We need to fight against sin to protect ourselves. Thankfully God is always with us to help us to fight against sin. What is sin? How do you think you could fight against sin? Who could help you to fight against sin?
Pray Together: Thank God that He is always there to help us to fight against sin. Pray that He would help us be brave and strong in our fight. Pray that He would help us get help from others.
Read: Genesis 4:6-7.The Bible says that sin is like an enemy that is trying to get us. We need to fight against sin to protect ourselves. Thankfully God is always with us to help us to fight against sin. What is sin? How do you think you could fight against sin? Who could help you to fight against sin?
Pray Together: Thank God that He is always there to help us to fight against sin. Pray that He would help us be brave and strong in our fight. Pray that He would help us get help from others.
Intro: Sometimes we need people to fight to protect us.
Share: Who are some of the people who might fight to protect us? Who would they have to fight against?
Read: Genesis 4:6-7.The Bible says that sin is like an enemy that is trying to get us. We need to fight against sin to protect ourselves. Thankfully God is always with us to help us to fight against sin. What is sin? How do you think you could fight against sin? Who could help you to fight against sin?
Pray Together: Thank God that He is always there to help us to fight against sin. Pray that He would help us be brave and strong in our fight. Pray that He would help us get help from others
Read: Genesis 4:6-7.The Bible says that sin is like an enemy that is trying to get us. We need to fight against sin to protect ourselves. Thankfully God is always with us to help us to fight against sin. What is sin? How do you think you could fight against sin? Who could help you to fight against sin?
Pray Together: Thank God that He is always there to help us to fight against sin. Pray that He would help us be brave and strong in our fight. Pray that He would help us get help from others
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