Read: Psalm 1:4-5
The Bible is clear that there are only two categories of people in the world. The first category is the righteous people or God’s people. They are the ones who live as God desires and commands, the ones who are righteous in His sight. They are the ones who will stand before Him justified on that final day.
The second category of people is the wicked. They are the ones who do not live according to God’s ways, who are unrighteous and wicked in His sight. On judgment day they will be found wanting and given eternal punishment for their heinous rebellion and sin against God.
The Psalmist describes both of these people in Psalm 1. The blessed man or the righteous man is the one who does not live in the way that sinners do (vs 1). Rather, the blessed man is the one who delights in and meditates on the Law of the Lord (vs 2). His life is healthy, full and fruit-bearing like a tree with a constant source of fresh water (vs 3). In the other category is the wicked person. The psalmist vividly describes the outcome of a wicked way of life: they are like chaff or the worthless rubbish that the wind blows away. When judgment comes they cannot stand before God, they will be found wanting and swept away by God’s wrath and judgment.
This truth of God’s judgment for the wicked is one that should both chill us to the bone and give us incredible comfort.
Firstly, the more that we study and meditate on God’s word the more we realise that without God’s grace and work in our lives we inevitably fall into the category of the wicked person. We have all broken God’s commands and laws. We regularly rebel against Him by the way that we act and assert our own control over our lives. We turn away from worshipping Him to worship the things that He has created. Apart from His grace we all fit in that second category and all of us deserve the fate that the Psalmist describes for the wicked. Chilling...
Only one person truly fits into the category of the truly righteous person: Jesus Christ. He is the one who lived perfectly by God’s commands. He fulfilled every part of God’s law perfectly and yet He also willingly suffered the wrath and the judgment of God on our behalf. For those who have faith in Him He purchased that perfect righteousness. Because of His righteousness all of us who have faith in Him can be included in that first category. Out of that wonderful truth we are enabled to grow into living the life of a righteous man.
From this wonderful truth springs the incredible comfort that comes from God’s judgment. One day all evil, sin, suffering, sickness, death and pain will be dealt with once and for all. At the day of judgment all the terrible things that have been done and suffered by mankind will be dealt with once and for all. Perfect justice will be dealt on that day. Those who are in Christ can look forward to that day knowing their fate is secured forever by His sacrifice. Those who are not need to hear the good news and repent. Remember this as you interact with them today. Will you share the good news with the perishing?
Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray for those you know who don’t have faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Pray that God would soften their hearts and open them to hear the good news. Pray that God would give you an opportunity to share with them and that He would give you the courage and wisdom to take those opportunities
Witness Moment:
All people apart from Christ will receive God’s judgment for their sin. Let that sink in for a moment. This chilling truth should drive us to be passionate and urgent in sharing the Gospel with others.
1. Do you feel comforted knowing that God will judge sin? Why or why not?
2. What are some of the things that stop you from sharing the gospel?
3. Write a list together of those you know who don’t know Christ. Spend time praying for each one by name. Pray that God would give you opportunities to share the Gospel.
Intro: Doing bad things deserves consequences doesn't it? Like when we break the rules or disobey our parents.
Share: A time when you had to face the consequences for something that you had done.
Read: Psalm 1:4-6. Everyone will one day have to stand before God and face the consequences for how they have lived. According to the Psalmist, what are the consequences for the wicked? What consequences do you think we deserve for the bad things we have done? The amazing thing is that Jesus paid those consequences for us. How does that make you feel?
Pray Together: Thank God that Jesus bore the consequences for you.
Intro: Doing bad things deserves consequences doesn't it? Like when we break the rules or disobey our parents.
Share: A time when you had to face the consequences for something that you had done.
Read: Psalm 1:4-6. Everyone will one day have to stand before God and face the consequences for how they have lived. According to the Psalmist, what are the consequences for the wicked? What consequences do you think we deserve for the bad things we have done? The amazing thing is that Jesus paid those consequences for us. How does that make you feel?
Pray Together: Thank God that Jesus bore the consequences for you.
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