Thursday, 3 July 2014

Thursday July 3, 2014

Read: Psalm 1:2-3, Matthew 5:17-18
Psalm 1 describes the blessed man who meditates on God’s law. Although ’law’ is far broader than merely the rules and regulations in the Mosaic law and includes all that God has revealed through His word (see yesterday’s study) it must necessarily include these rules and regulations. The psalmist speaks of the man who meditates on all that God has said, including the Mosaic Law (the rules and regulations given to Israel by God in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). This surely applies to the Christian also. The Christian also is blessed when they meditate day and night on God’s word. So what is the role of the mosaic law in the life of the believer?

Firstly, we have to see that the law is good. God gave it to Israel not as some kind of set of rules and regulations to keep them from having fun or keep them in line. God’s law is the very best way of life and is a good thing given for our benefit. The fact that it functions to reveal our total and utter sinfulness before God does not undo its goodness. That is Paul’s point in Romans 7:7 and 7:12.

We also see that the Law is not totally abolished. Jesus Himself says this during the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5. He tells His followers that He has not come to abolish the law but has come to fulfil it. Until He returns not the least part of the law will be totally abolished or disregarded. We must maintain this perspective of the law. Jesus said it was good and not abolished or done away with. Neither should we disregard or do away with the law.

So if the law is good and not abolished what function does the law have in the life of the believer? Briefly, here are four examples of how the law can function in the life of a believer.
1. The Law teaches us about God - The Law teaches us about what God is like and who He is. It teaches us about His justice and His hatred for Sin. It teaches us about what sort of things God loves and what sort of things God hates.  Even the laws about sacrifices show us God’s justice and grace. Through the Law we can worship God and know Him more accurately.
2. The Law convicts us of sin - Even in the life of the believer the Law can show us areas of sin and rebellion in our own lives. Paul says in Romans 7 that apart from the Law he would not have known what coveting was. The law shows us our sin and can lead us to repentance and to grow in holiness.
3. The Law shows us how we should live - Similarly to point 2 the law shows us how God desires us to live. The 10 commandments are an example that show us how God desires us to live. This sort of living does not save us, only the sacrifice of Christ does that, rather we see how we are to live in light of what He has done for us.
4. The Law restrains sin - The law restrains sin in our lives as we recall the commands of God and seek not to break them. This can also apply to society more broadly. In a country where many of our laws are based on God’s law or echo it to some degree sin is restrained. For example because Australian law prohibits murder many people do not commit murder for fear of breaking the law. To some degree God’s law serves to restrain people from sin.
We are to meditate on every part of God’s word, don’t neglect the mosaic law.

Use the Bible passage from today and the reading notes to write down your prayer points before you pray.
¥ Pray that God would give the elders of your church wisdom and guide them as they make decisions. Pray that they might grow in love for the congregation and that God would strengthen them to fulfil their difficult call.
  Word Moment:
It’s easy to pick and choose what parts of God’s word we want to study and meditate on but God tells us that all of His Word is helpful for us. Don’t neglect the parts of God’s Word that seem harder.
 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How do these four uses of the law change your perspective on God’s law?
2. How will you act differently as a result?
3. Imagine that a new believer comes to you very confused and asks what they are supposed to do with all these Old Testament laws. What would you say to them?
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: Do you like being the one who keeps the rules and tries to do everything right?
Share: A time when you did the right thing and followed the rules even though your friends didn’t want to. How did it feel?
Read: Romans 3:21-24. It can be easy to think that if we just keep the rules then God will be happy with us. But the Bible says we can never completely keep the rules and make God happy because of sin. According to this passage how are we saved? (Hint: vs 22, 24) What must we do to be saved?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has saved us apart from us keeping the rules. Pray that you would grow in faith.
 Discipleship Moment For Girls
Intro: When you play sports do you like being the one who keeps the rules and tries to do everything right?
Share: A time when you did the right thing and followed the rules even though your friends didn’t want to. How did it feel?
Read: Romans 3:21-24. It can be easy to think that if we just keep the rules then God will be happy with us. But the Bible says we can never completely keep the rules and make God happy because of sin. According to this passage how are we saved? (Hint: vs 22, 24) What must we do to be saved?
Pray Together: Thank God that He has saved us apart from us keeping the rules. Pray that you would grow in faith.

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