Read Ecclesiastes 8:11-13
It has been suggested that 50-80% of guilty defendants in a court case are acquitted. It has also been suggested that 1-5% of innocent defendants are declared guilty. Just this year a man accused of killing 6 teens while driving under the influence of alcohol has been freed on parole. He served only 7 years of a 10 year service. Killing 6 people attracted only a 10 year sentence. In another case a violent rapist was set free after serving only half his sentence despite a report from a psychologist that he was a danger to society. This released person very quickly raped and murdered a 95 year old pensioner in her own home.
Ecclesiastes 8:11 captures the truth of such tragedy well;
When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.
As people learn that sentences will not be carried out or that there will be leniency in carrying out the sentence, their hearts will be emboldened and sin will find a nesting place. People will increasingly take risks in doing evil when they know that the punishment will not fit the crime. A slap on the wrist is a small deterrent to criminals.
But rather than despair Solomon looks to God for ultimate justice.
He says in vs12-13,
‘Although a wicked man commits a hundred crimes and still lives a long time, I know that I twill go better with God-fearing men, who are reverent before God. Yet because the wicked do not fear God, it will not go well with them, and their days will not lengthen like a shadow.
Solomon states the truth from two different angles. The wicked person may commit hundreds of crimes and may live a long, pleasant life but in the end it will be better for God-fearing people than for that criminal. He then looks at the opposite side. It will not go well for these criminals when they stand before God.
Here is our sanity keeper. Even though human courts may make unjust and wrong decisions, God will never make a wrong decision. He will punish every wicked and evil person and will give them what their deeds deserve. God will not allow anyone to get away with evil and wickedness.
Yet the wicked are not without hope. God calls them to repent and to believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection so that their sins/wickedness can be dealt with at the cross. God offers every person forgiveness and remission of sins. Remember John 3:16? It applies to the wicked as well as to us!
The believer can rest assured that God is just and that He will meter out justice. The believer doesn’t have to walk down the road of misery, depression or defeatedness. God is and will remain in total control.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Pray for the upcoming Christmas season in your congregation. Pray that God would put it on the hearts of each believer to be a witness and a missionary throughout this season when non-church attending people often go to church and sing about the Saviour’s coming into the world. Pray that your church would see many conversions this Christmas season.
ª Pray for the musicians and singers in your congregation. Ask God to bless them and to ’reward’ them for the faithful and sustained service throughout the year. Pray that as they take a break they will be refreshed and re-energized for the year ahead.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. If a believer is finding it a struggle to say no to a particular sin, what can he or she do?
2. If a Christian has reached the point of giving into sinful desires and urges, what can he or she do to grow in holiness and righteousness?
3. Why do you think some Christians walk willfully and knowingly into sin?
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