Read Ecclesiastes 9:1-10
“He’s gone to a better place.” “She’s not in any pain anymore.” “He’s finally fallen into a permanent sleep.” “She’s resting eternally.” These are all euphemisms or nice ways to speak about the horrible reality of death. We make up such niceties because deep down we fear death and we know that death awaits each one of us. We know that death is the great leveler
There is evil in the hearts of people (vs 3a) and the certainty of death often brings out the worst in people. People will do almost anything to forget the reality of the Grim Reaper. Alcohol, fighting, daring stunts, spending inordinate amounts of money and time on pleasure and amassing a great empire can all be ways of trying to keep the Grim Reaper at arm’s length. But the battle will be lost (vs 3b). The wicked and the righteous alike will die.
Ultimately every believer will face death. We don’t need euphemisms or niceties. We know for certain that the moment we close our eyes in this place, we will open them in the Lord’s presence. We know that when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to judge the living and the dead we will receive our resurrection bodies and we’ll spend eternity in his perfect paradise.
The fear of death often brings out the worst in people but it should bring out the best in us because we know that we have nothing to fear.
Solomon urges us to find enjoyment in the face of inevitable death. Life is not a waiting to die game. It’s meant to be lived and enjoyed. Amazingly, Solomon urges us to find joy and blessing in the simple things of life - in our eating and drinking, in our marriage and family, in family celebrations and even in hard work. To find joy we don’t need treks to the peak of Mt Everest or supersonic jet flights. We don’t need million dollar cruises or luxury holidays. When we have God’s favour (vs 7) and a righteous approach to life (vs 8) joy comes from the simple things in life.
The believer can be content and satisfied in his life without striving for a better job, more money, a better holiday, a bigger house, a faster car and so on. The believer doesn’t need to chase get rich quick schemes or wish upon a star to win the big one. The believer in Christ finds joy in Him and lives life joyfully with God’s favour and blessing.
The local Christian gathering that you will join tomorrow is, in one sense, an opportunity for you to be transformed in your mind as you take your eyes off yourself and re-focus on God and on the Lord Jesus Christ. The gathering of believers together is an opportunity to regain the joy of the Lord as this re-focusing is put into practice through song, through prayer and through submitting to the Word.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Pray that God would free any believers in your congregation that are fearful of death. Pray that these believers would understand more fully what Christ has done for them at the cross and that they would know the true and ultimate destiny to which God has called them. Pray that fear would turn into joy and rejoicing in the face of eternal life.
ª Pray that tomorrow’s gathering would infuse joy into the hearts of all believers and that each person would be drawn closer to God and brought into deeper submission to His will and His Word.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Is a sin committed in ignorance still a sin? Justify your answer with biblical support.
2. Can a Christian use ignorance as an excuse for sin?
3. How do you respond to the statement used often today - I don’t want to know God I want to experience Him. I want to worship with my heart not my head.
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