Read Ecclesiastes 7:19-8:1
We live in an information rich, knowledge accessible world. Through the internet we can find out almost anything from perverted sexuality to bomb making to life curing remedies. And yet, for all our knowledge and information life is still a dreary struggle for most. Life is still racked with heartache and pain, suffering and turmoil. Life is still soaked in immorality. It seems we’ve learned little from our knowledge and information.
In contrast we read in verse 19 that wisdom, God given and God directed wisdom, makes us more powerful than ten city rulers. Only wisdom can give us the power to navigate successfully through life. By wisdom we learn that all are sinful but by that very wisdom we can navigate our way through sin (vs 20). By wisdom we can judge and listen fairly to the criticisms and praises that come our way (vs 21-22). Through wisdom we can see God at work even though it’s often like seeing through fog (vs 23-25). Through wisdom we can chart a course around the perverted sexuality thrown at us by the world. Only through God given and God direct wisdom can we keep our heart, mind and body pure (vs 26-8:1).
Are you seeking this God given wisdom?
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Pray that tomorrow’s gathering will be glorifying to God and that He would be powerfully at work in and among and through your congregation.
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