Monday, 11 November 2013

Monday 11 November 2013

Coming Up Sonday November 17:
Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:20
Wisdom and Folly Part 2
Read Ecclesiastes 9:11-12
Life is unpredictable. We can make the best plans and seek the wisest counsel and still have life throw a curve ball at us. Robert Burns’ poem in 1786 To A Mouse stated that the best laid schemes of mice and men may often go awry and leave us naught but grief and pain. John Steinbeck’s 1937 novel Of Mice and Men was inspired by this very poem.

Solomon understood that life can be totally unpredictable. It is not the swift who always win the race. It is not the strongest who always win the battle. Andre Conte conceded this in a recent interview stating that even though his Juventus soccer team were favourites to win the A League cup this season, it’s quite possible that they might not win. He is quoted as saying, ‘...the best team doesn’t always triumph.’ How right the was.

From a human perspective there’s always the element of time and chance. This is no biblical argument for evolution. What it’s saying is that we cannot factor in all the contingencies when we make plans. No matter how hard we try to micro-manage our lives, something unexpected may crop up. 

Solomon uses the example of fish and birds. Fish are caught in a net they are unaware of. If they saw the net they’d swim the other way. Birds are caught in a snare by surprise. Again, had they seen the trap they would have flown the other way. Similarly with us. There may be evil times that fall unexpectedly upon us. We may be caught in a situation that we neither planned for nor created.  We may be overcome by circumstances totally beyond our control.

This reality need not cause neither fatalism nor despair. It is simply a real and honest look at life in a sinful world. How we live in such a world will be the discussion for this week’s reading notes and this coming Sonday’s sermon.

Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Pray for the upcoming Committee of Management meeting next Monday night. Pray that the committee will be wise and godly in the decisions it makes. Pray that God would bless each elected member with a desire to grow the kingdom, to bless the saints and to do the work of God in and through this congregation.
ª Pray for wisdom to live life according to God’s Word and not according to our own logic or desires. Pray that more and more believers will live by faith and not by sight.

 Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. Where do you find enjoyment in life?
2. What stops believers from finding enjoyment in the simple things of life?
3. What is your attitude towards or opinion of death?
4. Can death be “good” in any sense? Explain your answer.

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