Thursday, 28 November 2013

Thursday 28 November 2013

Read Proverbs 19:24, 15:33, 14:27, 9:10, 2:1-5
Solomon engaged in a search for meaning and value in life. At the end of his search he concluded, as we saw yesterday, with the words, ‘Fear God and keep His commands for this is the whole duty of man.’ While we might understand what it means to obey God, we have lost the meaning and value of fearing God.

Modern Western Christianity tends to treat God with contempt or over familiarity. Our prayers and singing have become more about us and our needs than about God and His character and attributes. We have adopted a freedom of speech towards God. Some churches now throw abuse at God and/or yell and scream at Him thinking that the louder you yell and scream the more you will be blessed. Another church stages wrestling matches on Sonday mornings as part of their “worship” to God. Other churches hide the Word of God and remove irritating things like the sermon and Bible reading. Others like to keep the Bible reading to a maximum of 5 or so verses.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  The fear of the Lord brings life and knowledge. The fear of the Lord protects us and guides us away from evil and sin. When the Bible talks about ‘The Fear of the Lord’ it is talking about an attitude of the heart that does not wish to anger or displease the holy and righteous God Almighty. It is the awe and reverence of standing in the presence of someone far far greater than ourselves.

Sadly we talk about our favourite sports stars and heroes with an air of reverence and awe. We defend their name against all detractors. Yet we say nothing when someone curses in the name of our Lord and Saviour. We speak of our God in half hearted terms often without respect or awe.  If only we could reverse this trend and pattern. If only we spoke reverently and in awe about our Lord and God and willingly defended His name against all detractors. If only our eyes lit up when we spoke His name like they light up when we speak of our sports heroes or favourite bands. 

How can we re-cultivate a fear of the Lord? Let’s start by praying for a right heart and a right mind before God.

ª Pray that God would allow us to understand and apply to ourselves the Fear of the Lord. Pray that this fear would bring holiness, godliness and Jesus-like love into our lives.

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. Should we believe the Bible from cover to cover or should we be free to pick and choose the bits we believe? Please explain.
2. Some say that as long as you believe in Jesus you are saved. Anything else in the Bible is optional. How do you respond?

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