Friday, 22 November 2013

Friday 22 November 2013

Read Titus 2:1-8
Schools and other institutions around the world are realizing the value of older people. Schools regularly have grandparents’ days where grandmothers and fathers can visit their grandchildren and participate in the lessons. Other schools have ‘adopt a grand parent’ schemes where the children spend time in nursing homes building relationships with older people. Everyone benefits.

The church has been built on this very foundation since its inception. God has called long term believers to teach younger believers. Older men are to teach younger men. Older women are to teach younger women. The man or the woman who has lived to please God throughout their youth has decades of Christian wisdom to share with the younger generation. It is not just the wisdom of age but the wisdom of God acquired over the years. These older believers have a legacy to share and can impart immense wisdom, knowledge and learning to a younger, more needy and often relationally broken generation.

If you are a younger believer why not adopt an older Christian and spend time learning from them. If you are an older Christian adopt a younger Christian or a young Christian couple and get to know them. Teach them from your vast wealth and experience of godliness.

ª Ask the Lord to put it onto the hearts of everyone in your congregation to be in some form of mentoring with a more mature Christian. Pray that this would accelerate the growth in holiness of each person in your congregation.

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