Read: Ecclesiastes 7:11-18. 1 Timothy 6:9-10. Luke 16:13-15
Wisdom, Solomon says, is like an inheritance and benefits those who see the sun, which, when you think about it, is every living person. What follows in vs12-18 is a series of ways in which wisdom brings benefits. Let’s examine just one of those benefits with respect to money. Read verse 12 again before you push on.
Wisdom provides a shelter much like money does. We all like to keep a little bit saved away for a rainy day but wisdom, unlike money, preserves the life of the one who possesses it.
Money can make no such claim. Quite the contrary! Money and the desire for more money has often lead to ruin and despair. In fact, the Word of God declares that money is the root of all kinds of evil. How many TV specials or current affair segments have been about friends or family that have broken up and been destroyed by greed or the love of money.
Our goal should never be to have more money. When confronted by the Pharisees who loved money, Jesus made an earth shattering statement about the money which they craved and sought after. Jesus said, ‘What is highly valued among men is detestable in God’s sight.’ The love of money is detestable in God’s eyes!
Think about the implications of this verse. God detests it when a church wants nothing more than to grow rich and powerful. God abhors it when a “Christian” chases money and puts that money above God. God detests it when a person secretly hoards a desire for more money. The Word of God declares that the greedy will not enter God’s eternal paradise. The Bible declares that it is well nigh impossible for a rich man to enter the Kingdom. It is easier to push a camel through the eye of a needle. What is needed is repentance and a removing of the idol of money!
Believers are to chase wisdom not wealth. We are to seek to be rich towards God, not just rich. Believers need to understand that both abundance and scarcity come from the Lord. He is the one who creates prosperity as well as disaster (Isaiah 45:7). In both these times we must seek the Lord and His wisdom. We must seek His path and His righteousness. We must seek first His kingdom and all these things that we need will be added unto us.
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Pray for the youth of the church. Pray that God would encourage them and strengthen them in their faith in God. Pray that they would grow them in their passion and love for Him. Pray that they might seek after God and live in His ways. Pray that men and women in the church would take an interest in serving and growing the youth and encouraging them in their faith.
ª Pray for the church body. Pray that God would grow in your heart a brotherly love for all members of your church. Pray that you would have a desire and passion to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray that God would grow a spirit of community and self-sacrificial love in your church.
My Additional Prayer Points
After talking at length to Randolph you find out that he hates the idea of poverty. He works around the clock and hoards every dollar he earns.
1. What counsel can you give him from today’s verses?
2. What role should wealth play in the life of a Christian?
3. What safeguards re wealth need to be in place in the Christian life?
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