Jesus Challenge:
Read Acts 18:1-5. Paul worked hard earning an income, even as a missionary. He had a particular goal in tent making. Do you have a goal for your work?
Spend time as a cell discussing what it means to have a work related goal for your life. What are the key elements in a work related goal? How should this goal relate to your general life goal? Encourage each cell member to write a work goal that correlates with their life goal.
Read Ecclesiastes 2:18-23.
I can picture the CEO sitting at his desk, tapping his pencil, fidgeting nervously. In a few days he'll be officially retiring. For the last time after 45 years he’ll walk down the street, enter the building, ride the elevator to the top floor and sit at his desk overlooking the city and the harbour.
He built this company from the ground up. He turned it around and brought it to the top of its industry. He had poured blood and sweat and tears into this company. But now, in a few days, it’ll all be over. As he ponders he asks himself if the new incoming CEO will be as good. Will he destroy the company? Will he lead it in a new direction? Will he lead it in the wrong direction? Will he undo all the hard work? His thoughts quickly, yet quietly drift to the meaning of it all - was it worthwhile? Have I really achieved anything? Have I really made a difference? Has it all meant something?
We will all come to a place in life where we have to do some healthy self- assessment. Somewhere in the future we’ll want to ask ourselves if all the assets we’ve built up, if the house we’ve fixed up, if the car we’ve laboured on, if the projects we’ve undertaken were all worth it.
Like the Teacher in Ecclesiastes we may have to agree that the one we leave it all to may be foolish and destroy all our hard work. The children may not continue the family business. They may want to sell the farm. The next in line for the CEO’s chair may take a different pathway. The house may be sold or worse, knocked down for another structure. But if we have served God with our heart, soul, mind and strength throughout our life then we can be content and leave the future in His hands. We can be confident that our life has had significance and impact.
Write down at least one prayer point in each category based on the following verse.
Love the Lord your God with all your heat and with all your soul
and with all your mind and with all your strength.
The second is this, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself”. There is no commandment greater than these.
Mark 12:30-31
¥ Pray that Teen Challenge would continue to make disciples and transform lives through their ministry. Pray that God would use them powerfully to bring the gospel of life to desperate and needy people.
¥ Pray that God would use your church and you personally to reach out to many people wit the gospel of life. Pray that your church would be serious about the Great Commission.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. How can Xavier find satisfaction in his work life so far?
2. What can he do to find satisfaction in work from this point forward?
3. What do you think the outcome of Xavier’s search will be?
4. How can the church support and minster to Xavier?
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