Many unbelievers seem to think that God is a mean rule-maker who hates fun. They believe that a life following God would be boring, dry and without satisfaction. This theory might even be backed up by the seemingly perpetual sour expression on the face of some Christians!
However this is totally opposite to the concept of God that Solomon describes. Look again in Ecclesiastes 3:12-13. One of Solomon's recurring conclusions throughout the book of Ecclesiastes is that man should "Eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his toil." This is not a life of boredom but a life of true pleasure, satisfaction and joy. A life of enjoying all the good things which God has made.
In fact, far from God denying satisfaction and enjoyment, Solomon makes the point that lasting pleasure and satisfaction can only be had if given by God and enjoyed in light of relationship with Him. In Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 he writes:
“A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without Him, who can eat or find enjoyment?”
If we desire to live a life of lasting satisfaction and enjoyment (and who doesn't!?) we can only truly do so in relationship with God and if given by God.
How often do we forget that true pleasure is found in God alone and seek after pleasure and satisfaction in other ways? We might seek after satisfaction by finding meaning in our work to the neglect of our relationship with God. We might seek after recognition or popularity at school, at work or even at church, seeking after satisfaction in other people. We might be greedy for money and things hoping that they would make us happy. Take a moment to repent of those things that you seek after for happiness and satisfaction and pray that He would help you to find your value and strength in Him. The truth is that none of these things can ever truly satisfy us, only He can.
ª Pray for the talent night at Christlife tonight during which the children and families who have been involved with Extreme Week will be able to present what they have prepared. Pray that the church congregation would welcome those from the community with open arms and demonstrate the love of Christ to them. Pray that the Gospel is shared and that God would work in the hearts of all who attend.
ª Pray for those who volunteer in various capacities in your church. Pray that God would encourage them and strengthen them in their service of the church. Pray that God would grow a passion to serve in the hearts of those who are currently not actively involved.
My Additional Prayer Points.
1. Solomon clearly says that it is good to enjoy the good things that God has made, including food and drink. Practically, how can we eat and drink in a way that takes pleasure in what God has made?
2. What would it look like to work in such a way as to take satisfaction and enjoyment in what we do?
3. What advice would you give someone about how to take satisfaction and pleasure in a job that they don’t enjoy?
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