Friday, 20 September 2013

Friday September 20, 2013

Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-4. Romans 12:9-15

I remember well the chorus of an old Finnish song I used to listen to as a teenager. The chorus chimed, ’We also need cloudy days in our lives’. What the song was hinting at was what the Teacher of Ecclesiastes nailed on the head. There are seasons in our lives that include weeping and mourning as well as laughing and dancing. God has allowed both and, as we’ve seen many times, uses both in His sovereignty and grace.


As believers we need to be aware of such seasons and should be wary of swapping these seasons. It’s inappropriate to laugh in bad times and to cry in good times. King David illustrated this beautifully when Saul died in battle. David could have rejoiced and praised the Lord that the king was dead and that he could now ascend to his God-given position on the throne of Israel.  Instead, however, he mourned and wept for the King of Israel. See 2 Samuel 1.


By knowing and applying these principles in our lives we can have a powerful impact in our world, especially among those who continue to reject Christ. If, for example, our enemies are blessed in a particular way we can be jealous and angry, or we can rejoice with those who rejoice. We can be truly happy for them. If they suffer tragedy we can mourn and weep with them. If they suffer loss through death, we can mourn with them, much like David mourned and lamented the loss of King Saul.


This attitude reflects the very heart of Christ. Out of love and compassion for His enemies He came into our world and suffered rejection from God and death on a cross so that the enemies could be saved. Rather than gloating and boasting and being happy about the miserable condition of His enemies, Christ stepped into their world and suffered with them and for them.


If you and I have that kind of pathos for the people in our world, Christ will indeed be glorified.




Write down at least one prayer point in each category based on the following verse.

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil. Cling to what is good.

Romans 12:9











¥ Think of those people in your life who don’t know Christ yet. Write down their names and pray for each one specifically. Ask the Lord to open a door for you to step into their world and to share the love of Christ with them. Pray that He would use this love to bring them to repentance and faith in Christ.

¥ Pray that God’s church throughout this land would be united and standing together on the big issues of our society, namely abortion, sexuality and same sex marriages. Pray that the Word of God would be our standard and that all would submit to the Word.

Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

1. How could today’s passage and learning encourage MJ?

2. What good things can come out of bad situations or negative seasons?

3. How should a Christian act through tough times?




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