Read Ecclesiastes 2:12-16. Genesis 2:15-17
Some say that the only things you can’t avoid in this world are death and taxes! While some cunning accountants make it possible to avoid paying taxes, no one can make death avoidable. We will all die someday.
As Solomon ages and grows nearer to death he realises that death is the great leveller. Whether you are wise or foolish, whether you are educated or not, you will die. Solomon wrestles with the whole notion of death and the place of wisdom and folly in the world.
Such wrestling though is not meant to produce apathy within us or depression or despair but rather is meant to draw us nearer to the Lord in total and utter dependence.
Death entered the world through the disobedience of our first parents. Adam was told by God that he could eat from all the trees of the Garden except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eating from that tree would result in death. And as you know, Adam and Eve tested God and ate from that tree. Death has been in the world ever since.
God, however, through His mercy and wisdom, has given us a way through death. That way is through placing our faith and trust in Jesus who died on the cross for the sins of the world and was raised to life, never to die again. Even though we will all still die, death need not be the end. The Bible assures us that those who die in Christ rest from their labours and return to the be with the Lord. They will spend eternity with Christ in a perfect paradise where all evil has been eradicated.
Those who continue to reject Christ and His antidote for death will receive the desires of their heart and they will spend eternity away from Christ. The Bible pictures this eternity as a horrid eternity of torment and suffering.
Yet the Bible assures us that God longs for all men to be saved and to come to a saving knowledge of the truth. God has paved the way for people to be saved. God is holding out His hand inviting all to come to Jesus in repentance and faith for eternal life.
Even though death stares each of us in the face, the question is whether or not we are prepared for death and the aftermath. Are you prepared for death? Are you prepared to face the aftermath of your choice in this life?
Write down at least one prayer point in each category based on the following verse.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
¥ Continue to pray for the Presbyterian Inland Mission. Pray that the padres going out to isolated regions and stations will have opportunity to speak of Christ, to make disciples and to bring hope and joy to many. Pray that God would watch over the padres as they travel great distances.
¥ Pray that God would bless the work of the student ministers at the Reformed College in Myanmar. Pray that these students would grow in knowledge and love of God, in wisdom and application of the Scriptures and that God would provide their needs as they study. Pray that those who have family members they haven’t seen for years will be comforted and blessed for their willing sacrifice.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
Xavier is a believer who spends long hours working in a factory. After a serious work accident recently in the factory he has confided in you that he fears death.
1. How should Christians feel about death?
2. How can a fear of death be overcome by a believer?
3. Should young believers be concerned with death? Why or why not?
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