Read Ecclesiastes 2:24-26. Genesis 2:15-17. Genesis 3:17-19. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
The Christian church has deprecated “work” or employment somewhat for many centuries seeing ministry and full time church work as the real work to be done. All other forms of work have tended to be seen as income to support the church. This view, however, cannot be substantiated from Scripture.
In the Garden of Eden God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden and told him to work and till it. He was to tend to the Garden in much the same way as the Levites would tend to the temple.
When Adam and Eve rebelled against God by disobeying Him, Adam’s work was affected. Work would become difficult and toilsome but would remain nonetheless. Even after the fall, work was still within the service given to God by believers, even though it was noticeably more difficult than in the Garden.
It is in this vain that the Teacher in Ecclesiastes comes to see work. Rather than considering work a four letter word, he begins to see it as a blessing from God which can and should be enjoyed. With God in the picture, each person can eat, drink and find satisfaction in doing his/her work. Serving God with one’s entire heart, soul, mind and strength is always satisfying. Seeking to please God is a satisfying exercise.
The New Testament concords with this positive view of work. In 2 Thessalonians 3 Paul rebukes those who are idle. These idlers are not to be associated with. In fact, Paul even goes so far as to say that those who are idle and are not working should not eat. Bludging is severely rebuked by the Apostle Paul. On the positive side, Paul commends hard work and reminds the believers of his own example.
What ever you do for a living you have a God given right to eat, drink and to be happy or satisfied with your work. With God at the centre you have the right to be content, knowing that each day you have served God to the best of your ability. Being in full time ministry is not the be all and end all of the Christian life. Wherever God has placed you is where you can serve God and be content.
Write down at least one prayer point in each category based on the following verse.
We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it.. On the contrary, we worked night and day, labouring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you.
2 Thessalonians 3:7b-8
¥ Pray that both you and your fellow believers would know the will of God for your life and their lives. Pray that God would show each person what their spiritual gift is and how He wants them to be using that gift for the blessing of the body of Christ.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
Xavier plans to find satisfaction in life because of the work accident. He’s thinking that he’ll use every second Sonday to enjoy life more.
1. What can he learn from today’s readings?
2. What would it look like if these learnings were applied to his life?
3. How can Xavier get a balance to life without giving up on God?
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