Monday, 16 September 2013

Monday September 16, 2013

Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

The world and the universe in which we live is governed to some degree by times and seasons. You don’t need to be a philosopher or scientist to see the regularity of times and seasons. We see the order in natural laws, in the days coming and going, in the 4 seasons of the year and in a host of other seasons and times.


The Teacher isn’t just making an observation about the world and the universe in which we live. Solomon is inadvertently teaching us that God is sovereign over the seasons and is working out His plans for the good of those who love Him.


The mature Christian knows the beauty and comfort of seasons. The night will soon end and the day will dawn. The cold of Winter will soon give way to the warmth of Spring. The mature Christian can persevere through a particular season knowing that it will soon pass and that God will bring another season. But even in the darkest of seasons, the mature believer knows that God is at work and is achieving His purposes in the world. A dark season is not an indicator that God has lost control or that He’s necessarily punishing us. Even within these seasons we know that Romans 8:28 is true - … in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.  Sweet apples only grow through a cold winter. Perhaps God knows better than us. Perhaps a cold or dark season is just what we need to grow more into His sweet likeness or to grow away from some particular sin in our lives.


If you understand that God works in and through seasons you can be a great comfort to those who are suffering. The grief will come to an end as a new season dawns. The hurt will subside. The pain will diminish. The darkness will fade. You can walk beside the hurting, the broken and the needy to shine the light of Christ as you support and encourage them through a dark or painful season.


The seasons we walk through are God ordained and God purposed to bring about God determined results.



Write down at least one prayer point in each category based on the following verse.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him...

Romans 8:28











¥ Pray for the Compassion children that we support in Indonesia. ChristLife church has about 53 sponsor children in Indonesia. Pray that these children will grow strong in the Lord, that they will mature in their knowledge and love of Jesus and that they would become strong and faithful ambassadors for Jesus.

¥ Praise God that Compassion are able to help many children. Pray that God would raise up more sponsors for Compassion to further their work.


Discussion Questions For Families and Groups

Mary Jo is going through a very tough time at the moment. Though she has been a Christian for years she is now questioning her faith.

1. She feels that God must hate her to allow such suffering in her life. Mary Jo asks you why God hates her? How do you respond?

2. Mary Jo keeps asking why God is punishing her and demands to know what she’s done wrong. How do you answer her?

3. What comfort can you give Mary Jo from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8?


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