One day you will stand before the throne of God for judgment. Just think about that for a moment. That day will be like the hardest job interview, the most difficult interrogation and the most stressful court appearance all rolled into one. John describes that the dead are judged for what they have done while they lived on Earth. The books and records are thrown open and every man is called to account for the things done in the body, whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10).
In Ecclesiastes 2:15 Solomon reminds us that God will call the past to account. There is nothing which escapes God's gaze. There is no secret sin or hidden thought which could possibly avoid God's judgment. Solomon's response to God's judgment and to God's unchanging nature (see yesterday's notes) is found at the end of verse 14, "God does it so that men will revere Him."
Our only appropriate response to God's awesome power, His unchanging nature and His perfectly just judgment is to fall at His feet and worship Him in reverence and fear. No other response will do. Nothing else is sufficient. We revere and fear this almighty God.
This reverence and fear is not without hope however. The incredible truth is that this same judge has taken the initiative to make us right with Himself at His own great cost. If we are in Christ then we can have confidence that our name is written in the Book of Life and when judgment day comes we can stand justified on the basis of His righteousness on our behalf. This God is certainly a God to be feared and revered but He is also a God of great grace, mercy and hope.
When we gather together on Sondays to worship as a church we must come with this kind of worshipful reverence and joyful thanks for His grace. When we are praying at home we remember who we are praying to and we praise Him through our prayers. When we are going about our days and meditate on His word it should motivate us to respond with awe and thanksgiving. Every moment of our lives should be lived out of worship for Him. Our God is an almighty, powerful God. Do we worship Him accordingly?
Prayer: Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
ª Praise God for who He is! Praise Him that He is righteous, just and powerful. Praise Him that He is worthy of all praise and glory and honour. Praise Him that He never changes and that He will one day bring all things to account yet He loved you enough enough to suffer and die for you. Hallelujah!
ª Pray for the preaching of the Word at your church tomorrow. Pray that God would give courage and boldness to whoever is preaching. Pray that they would be faithful to the word and that they would preach with power and authority. Pray that God would prepare your heart and the hearts of the congregation to hear His Word and for your life to be changed.
My Additional Prayer Points.
1. Practically, how should this knowledge about the surety of our salvation change the way that we live?
2. If our salvation is so sure why should we strive to live holy and righteous lives? If you are stuck have a look at Romans 6.
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