Read Ecclesiastes 1:18
Growing knowledge can increase sorrow and grief in many ways. But we must understand that the Teacher is not advocating a blind faith mentality. He is not saying, “Just believe and ask no questions!” He is saying that as you grow in wisdom and knowledge, grief and pain increase.
This can happen in several ways. The non Christian will experience this as he/she grows in knowledge. A simple illustration will suffice. A well known atheist of our day was asked about intelligent creation and denied the possibility vehemently. But by the time he’d drawn four more breaths he admitted the possibility of human life beginning from aliens seeding our planet. It only takes a small amount of energy to realise the pain and grief that comes from believing we are nothing more than an alien experiment, let alone wrestling with such a self contradicting theory - if one can’t accept intelligent design, can one really accept intelligent seeding!? In another TV presentation this atheist admitted that we are nothing but evolved animals and had to wrestle with the pain of the consequence of the survival of the fittest. The majority of the rest of the broadcast was spent trying to deny the painful consequences of this survival of the fittest theory.
For the believer, the grief comes with wrestling with a fallen world in the face of a majestic and holy God. The more one sees and learns, the more one grieves the fall of God’s own creation. Having to reconcile a broken world with a holy and righteous God is heart wrenching and painful. The pain was exacerbated for Old Testament believers because they didn’t have ready knowledge of the cross where a sinful world and a holy God are reconciled.
But growing in knowledge, in the true sense of the word, with God at the centre produces the ability to wrestle with sin, to be reconciled to a holy & righteous God and to live a life of victory and value. Growing in knowledge with God at the centre is the key to avoiding despair and dejection.
Write down your prayer points in the space provided. Use today’s reading to help you get ideas.
¥ If you are in cell, pray the Lord’s prayer together.
¥ Pray for the Reformed Bible College in Myanmar. Ask God to grow and stretch the students as they seek to learn His Word and to be equipped to minister in their country. Pray that God would grant the college all it needs to continue ministering and serving and training up pastors and preachers.
Discussion Questions For Families and Groups
1. In what ways can knowledge increase grief?
2. Is knowledge a good thing, a bad thing or something else? Please explain.
3. How can you increase in knowledge of God?
4. What boundaries need to be put into place so that you don’t end up like Jack?
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